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Full Discussion: automated back up problem
Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers automated back up problem Post 10739 by Perderabo on Tuesday 20th of November 2001 10:46:39 AM
Old 11-20-2001
When you use SAM to setup a backup, it creates some files and set up a cronjob for you. Look in root's crontab to see if it got added. I just used SAM to setup a backup on HP-UX 11.0. The job is "/usr/sam/lbin/br_backup...." So was that job added to your root's crontab? Is cron running? My job says it will write logs to /var/sam/SAM_br_msgs so I would check that file. If the cronjob exists, it probably tried to run and wrote some error messages.

So the things to check are:

1) did SAM install a cron job?

2) does /var/adm/cron/log say if the job was attempted?

3) what errors are in the job's own logfile?

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queuedefs(4)							   File Formats 						      queuedefs(4)

queuedefs - queue description file for at, batch, and cron SYNOPSIS
/etc/cron.d/queuedefs DESCRIPTION
The queuedefs file describes the characteristics of the queues managed by cron(1M). Each non-comment line in this file describes one queue. The format of the lines are as follows: q.[njobj][nicen][nwaitw] The fields in this line are: q The name of the queue. a is the default queue for jobs started by at(1); b is the default queue for jobs started by batch (see at(1)); c is the default queue for jobs run from a crontab(1) file. njob The maximum number of jobs that can be run simultaneously in that queue; if more than njob jobs are ready to run, only the first njob jobs will be run, and the others will be run as jobs that are currently running terminate. The default value is 100. nice The nice(1) value to give to all jobs in that queue that are not run with a user ID of super-user. The default value is 2. nwait The number of seconds to wait before rescheduling a job that was deferred because more than njob jobs were running in that job's queue, or because the system-wide limit of jobs executing has been reached. The default value is 60. Lines beginning with # are comments, and are ignored. EXAMPLES
Example 1: A sample file. # # a.4j1n b.2j2n90w This file specifies that the a queue, for at jobs, can have up to 4 jobs running simultaneously; those jobs will be run with a nice value of 1. As no nwait value was given, if a job cannot be run because too many other jobs are running cron will wait 60 seconds before trying again to run it. The b queue, for batch(1) jobs, can have up to 2 jobs running simultaneously; those jobs will be run with a nice(1) value of 2. If a job cannot be run because too many other jobs are running, cron(1M) will wait 90 seconds before trying again to run it. All other queues can have up to 100 jobs running simultaneously; they will be run with a nice value of 2, and if a job cannot be run because too many other jobs are running cron will wait 60 seconds before trying again to run it. FILES
/etc/cron.d/queuedefs queue description file for at, batch, and cron. SEE ALSO
at(1), crontab(1), nice(1), cron(1M) SunOS 5.10 1 Mar 1994 queuedefs(4)
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