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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Passing DISPLAY variable through rsh Post 1215 by PxT on Friday 16th of February 2001 10:45:44 AM
Old 02-16-2001
Many X applications will take a "-display" argument. Something like:

xv -display sunbox:0

Another alternative is to use ssh, as it handles the display variable automatically.

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xdmxconfig(1)						      General Commands Manual						     xdmxconfig(1)

xdmxconfig - a graphical configuration tool for Xdmx configuration files SYNOPSIS
xdmxconfig [filename] DESCRIPTION
xdmxconfig reads, edits, and writes configuration files for the Xdmx server. The grammar for the configuration file is specified in the Xdmx(1) manual page. To start from scratch, create a "New Global" and specify the name and overall dimensions for the configuration. Then use "New Display" to enter more displays. If there is more than one configuration, the configuration name button will bring up a selection menu. In the right-hand pannel, the left mouse button will move the highlighted display at "tool resolution"; the middle mouse button will move the highlighted display by a single pixel (at "wall resolution"); and the right mouse button will bring up a menu allowing the highlighted display to be edited or deleted. The arrow keys will also move the highlighted display by a single pixel. BUGS
Currently, entries with the wall keyword are not editable, but will be preserved in the new output file. The tool will quit when requested by the user, even if a configuration file has not been written out (i.e., without warning). The menu interaction should be improved (menu entries that don't currently work should be greyed-out, for example). The Help button does not work. SEE ALSO
Xdmx(1), vdltodmx(1) X Version 11 xorg-server 1.12.4 xdmxconfig(1)
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