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Full Discussion: realtek card
Special Forums IP Networking realtek card Post 12790 by thehoghunter on Monday 7th of January 2002 02:05:55 PM
Old 01-07-2002
Your english is fine.

Read the man page for ifconfig - here is part of it from a Solaris 8 system:

example% ifconfig le0 plumb

Once a physical interface has been "plumbed", logical inter-
faces associated with the physical interface can be config-
ured by separate plumb or addif options to the ifconfig

example% ifconfig le0:1 plumb

allocates a specific logical interface associated with the
physical interface le0. The command

example% ifconfig le0 addif up

Also read the man pages for defaultrouter, nsswitch.conf, hosts. To know if your system sees the card, dmesg may help (pipe to more or grep the interface)

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vni(7d)                                                               Devices                                                              vni(7d)

vni - STREAMS virtual network interface driver DESCRIPTION
The vni pseudo device is a multi-threaded, loadable, clonable, STREAMS pseudo-device supporting the connectionless Data Link Provider Interface dlpi(7P) Style 2. Note that DLPI is intended to interact with IP, meaning that DLPI access to applications is not supported. (For example, snoop fails on the vni interface.) The vni device is a software-only interface and does not send or receive data. The device provides a DLPI upper interface that identifies itself to IP with a private media type. It can be configured via ifconfig(1M) and can have IP addresses assigned to it, making aliases pos- sible. The vni pseudo device is particularly useful in hosting an IP address when used in conjunction with the 'usesrc' ifconfig option (see ifconfig(1M) for examples). The logical instances of the device can also be used to host addresses as an alternative to hosting them over the loopback interface. Multicast is not supported on this device. More specifically, the following options return an error when used with an address specified on vni: IP_MULTICAST_IF, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP. In addition, broadcast is not supported. Because there is no physical hardware configured below it, no traffic can be received through nor transmitted on a virtual interface. All packet transmission and reception is accomplished with existing physical interfaces and tunnels. Because applications that deal with packet transmission and reception (such as packet filters) cannot filter traffic on virtual interfaces, you cannot set up a packet filter on a virtual interface. Instead, you should configure the policy rules to apply to the physical interfaces and tunnels, and if necessary, use the virtual IP addresses themselves as part of the rule configuration. Also, note that the virtual interface cannot be part of an IP multi- pathing (IPMP) group. FILES
/dev/vni 64-bit ELF kernel driver SEE ALSO
ifconfig(1M), in.mpathd(1M), ip(7P), ip6(7P) SunOS 5.10 18 July 2004 vni(7d)
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