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Full Discussion: TSR programs
Top Forums Programming TSR programs Post 16118 by LivinFree on Tuesday 26th of February 2002 02:32:47 AM
Old 02-26-2002
TSR, as in Terminate and Stay Resident?
What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this?

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MUGS(9.1)																 MUGS(9.1)

mugs - make face icons from pictures SYNOPSIS
mugs [ -a ] [ -1 ] [ -2 ] [ file ] DESCRIPTION
Mugs interactively converts grey-scale images in the form of picfile(9.6) into 48x48 icons. It is designed to run in a pipe, reading the picture from standard input unless a single file is given on the call. Mugs displays a large approximation to the original picture and a matrix of 48x48 icons of varying contrast and brightness. Button 1 selects one of the icons. Button 2 offers the menu entries: in Zoom in to a finer contrast/brightness range around the selected icon. Repeated ins will zoom in farther. out Opposite of in. reset Set the brightness/contrast range to the maximum. Both in and out preserve the brightness/contrast values in the selected icon. Button 3 presents a menu with entries: window Select a square window in the large picture using button 3. Touch down at the top and center of the square and slide around to adjust its size. Appropriately cropped icons will be displayed. depth Toggle between 1- and 2-bit deep icons. write Write the selected icon to standard output. Each write produces 48 lines of text suitable for initializing an array in C. 1-bit deep icons produce three shorts per line; 2-bit depths are written as three longs per line. abort Terminate mugs with a non-blank error return. finish Terminate with a null status return. Option -a indicates that picture files have non-square pixels with aspect ratio 1.25, as produced by some frame grabbers. Normally pixels are assumed to be square. -1 and -2 select the initial depth of the icons. -2 is default. SOURCE
/sys/src/cmd/mugs.c SEE ALSO
picfile(9.6) MUGS(9.1)
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