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Full Discussion: Traceroute and Whois mystery
Special Forums IP Networking Traceroute and Whois mystery Post 24022 by killerserv on Wednesday 3rd of July 2002 11:24:42 PM
Old 07-04-2002
try nslookup <machinename>

nslookup 123zone.bla.net
Server: 123zone.bla.net <= Name of queried name server
Address: <= IP address of queried name server

from the IP address you can find the information. But this works within a domain server. Is it within one domain? Perhaps you should try some software on website that offers ways to track down.

I suggest this site. Give a try.


(the Java loads are Slow, so patience needed)

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ECACCESS-JOB-LIST(1p)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     ECACCESS-JOB-LIST(1p)

ecaccess-job-list - List all ECaccess Jobs SYNOPSIS
ecaccess-job-list -version|-help|-manual ecaccess-job-list [-debug] [job-id] DESCRIPTION
List all your ECaccess Jobs. When a job-id is specified then the details for this job are displayed. The Job statuses can have the following values: INIT Jobs are being initialised STDBY Jobs are waiting for an event EXEC Jobs are running WAIT Jobs have been queued to the scheduler (e.g. LoadLeveler) RETR Jobs will be resubmitted STOP Jobs have NOT completed (error) DONE Jobs have successfully completed ARGUMENTS
job-id (optional) The identifier of the ECaccess Job to retrieve the details. OPTIONS
-version Display version number and exits. -help Print a brief help message and exits. -manual Prints the manual page and exits. -debug Display the SOAP messages exchanged. EXAMPLES
ecaccess-job-list 124356 Give the informations concerning the ECaccess Job with identifier 124356. ecaccess-job-list List all your ECaccess Jobs in the spool. SEE ALSO
ecaccess-queue-list, ecaccess-job-delete, ecaccess-job-get, ecaccess-job-restart, ecaccess-job-submit and ecaccess. perl v5.14.2 2012-04-16 ECACCESS-JOB-LIST(1p)
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