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Full Discussion: Pipe & fifo....
Top Forums Programming Pipe & fifo.... Post 24912 by M3xican on Saturday 20th of July 2002 07:22:11 AM
Old 07-20-2002
Lightbulb the new code

The prolems are 2.
1) the lack of the ! into the (pid1=fork())
2) the lack of a wait or waitpid function after the else.

The output of your program is correct, but sometimes the first output line is wrote on the shell line, and
always the program waits an enter to terminate.

I have tested your code with a Linux Mandrake 8.2 .

This is your code with my changes:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#define NUM_ARG 20      /* max number of args for any command  */

int main()
      char *arg1[NUM_ARG];
      char *arg2[NUM_ARG];
      pid_t pid1,pid2;
      int pipefd[2];
      arg1[0]="ls";   /*first command*/
      arg2[0]="grep"; /*second command*/



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fifo(3tcl)																fifo(3tcl)

fifo - Create and manipulate u-turn fifo channels SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl package require memchan fifo DESCRIPTION
fifo creates a stream-oriented in-memory channel and returns its handle. There is no restriction on the ultimate size of the channel, it will always grow as much as is necessary to accommodate the data written into it. In contrast to the channels generated by memchan a channel created here effectively represents an U-turn. All data written into it can be read out, but only in the same order. This also means that a fifo channel is not seekable. The channels created here can be transferred between interpreters in the same thread and between threads, but only as a whole. It is not possible to use them to create a bi- or unidirectional connection between two interpreters. Memory channels created by fifo provide two read-only options which can be queried via the standard fconfigure command. These are -length The value of this option is the number of bytes currently stored in the queried memory channel. -allocated The value of this option is the number of bytes currently allocated by the queried memory channel. This number is at least as big as the value of -length. As the channels generated by fifo grow as necessary they are always writable. This means that a writable fileevent-handler will fire con- tinuously. The channels are also readable if they contain more than zero bytes. Under this conditions a readable fileevent-handler will fire continu- ously. NOTES
One possible application of memory channels created by memchan or fifo is as temporary storage device to collect data coming in over a pipe or a socket. If part of the processing of the incoming data is to read and process header bytes or similar fifo are easier to use as they do not require seeking back and forth to switch between the assimilation of headers at the beginning and writing new data at the end. SEE ALSO
fifo2, memchan, null KEYWORDS
channel, fifo, i/o, in-memory channel, memchan, stream COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net> Memory channels 2.1 fifo(3tcl)
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