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Full Discussion: A little unsure of something
Operating Systems Linux A little unsure of something Post 302100126 by Perderabo on Saturday 16th of December 2006 08:42:56 PM
Old 12-16-2006
We do have a search function, folks. Search the Linux forum for "banner" and you might find:

banner command

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indicator(1F)							   FMLI Commands						     indicator(1F)

indicator - display application specific alarms and/or the "working" indicator SYNOPSIS
indicator [ -b [n]] [-c column] [-l length] [-o] [-w] [string...] DESCRIPTION
The indicator function displays application specific alarms or the "working" indicator, or both, on the FMLI banner line. The argument string is a string to be displayed on the banner line, and should always be the last argument given. Note that string is not automatically cleared from the banner line. OPTIONS
-bn The -b option rings the terminal bell n times, where n is an integer from 1 to 10. The default value is 1. If the terminal has no bell, the screen is flashed instead, if possible. -c column The -c option defines the column of the banner line at which to start the indicator string. The argument column must be an integer from 0 to DISPLAYW-1. If the -c option is not used, column defaults to 0 . -l length The -l option defines the maximum length of the string displayed. If string is longer than length characters, it will be truncated. The argument length must be an integer from 1 to DISPLAYW. If the -l option is not used, length defaults to DIS- PLAYW. Note that if string doesn't fit it will be truncated. -o The -o option causes indicator to duplicate its output to stdout . -w The -w option turns on the "working" indicator. EXAMPLES
Example 1: A sample output of the indicator command. When the value entered in a form field is invalid, the following use of indicator will ring the bell three times and display the word WRONG starting at column 1 of the banner line. invalidmsg=`indicator -b 3 -c 1 "WRONG"` To clear the indicator after telling the user the entry is wrong: invalidmsg=`indicator -b 9 -c 1 "WRONG"; sleep 3; indicator -c 1 " "` In this example the value of invalidmsg (in this case the default value Input is not valid), still appears on the FMLI message line. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 5 Jul 1990 indicator(1F)
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