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Full Discussion: Hmc
Operating Systems AIX Hmc Post 302105886 by funksen on Monday 5th of February 2007 10:41:14 AM
Old 02-05-2007
change the settings in profile, shutdown und boot the machine, don't just reboot

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Well i am right now working on an IBM P550 risc server with an HMC connected.. The server has 2 logical partitions (Lpar). both lpar is having Aix 5.3 installed. Now I have a doubt.. is it possible to have Aix in one lpar and windows 2003 in another.. cheers Bala (4 Replies)
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2. AIX

HMC Backup

I have a few HMC questions. Version: 7 Release: 3.3.0 Build Level: 20080421.1 Base Version: V7R3.3.0 Model Type: 7042CR4 1. What are the types of backups should be performed on the HMC in case of disaster? From what I gather in the documentation, there is a critical data backup and a... (2 Replies)
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5. AIX

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Hey guys!! Was tring to figure out how to find the uptime of an HMC? Any clue Bala (2 Replies)
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6. AIX

HMC installation

Can i install HMC on an x86 or x64 machine.. i have (2) rs6000 44p model 170 . OS: AIX 5.3 TL 7 I want to practice HMC and LPAR. (2 Replies)
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7. AIX


Hi all :) two question... 1) in which file the HMC events will be stored? i talking about the log of the HMC console (lssvcevent). 2) The HMC function "Backup Critical Data" store the backup also on remote server through SFTP? In the documentation i read only FTP and NFS. ... (1 Reply)
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8. AIX

HMC Commands

Hello All, Can anybody knows a command, what I can check the processes in the HMC restricted shell? :wall: (1 Reply)
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9. AIX

Rebuilding a HMC

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10. AIX

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VPDDECODE(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      VPDDECODE(8)

vpddecode - VPD structure decoder SYNOPSIS
vpddecode prints the "vital product data" information that can be found in almost all IBM and Lenovo computers. Available items are: o BIOS Build ID o Box Serial Number o Motherboard Serial Number o Machine Type/Model Some systems have these additional items: o BIOS Release Date o Default Flash Image File Name Note that these additional items are not documented by IBM, so this is guess work, and as such should not be blindly trusted. Feedback about the accuracy of these labels is welcome. OPTIONS
-d, --dev-mem FILE Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem) -s, --string KEYWORD Only display the value of the VPD string identified by KEYWORD. KEYWORD must be a keyword from the following list: bios-build-id, box-serial-number, motherboard-serial-number, machine-type-model, bios-release-date. Each keyword corresponds to an offset and a length within the VPD record. Not all strings may be defined on all VPD-enabled systems. If KEYWORD is not provided or not valid, a list of all valid keywords is printed and vpddecode exits with an error. This option cannot be used more than once. Mutually exclusive with --dump. -u, --dump Do not decode the VPD records, dump their contents as hexadecimal instead. Note that this is still a text output, no binary data will be thrown upon you. ASCII equivalent is displayed when possible. This option is mainly useful for debugging. Mutually exclu- sive with --string. -h, --help Display usage information and exit -V, --version Display the version and exit FILES
/dev/mem AUTHOR
Jean Delvare SEE ALSO
biosdecode(8), dmidecode(8), mem(4), ownership(8) dmidecode February 2007 VPDDECODE(8)
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