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Full Discussion: df -k and deleting files
Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers df -k and deleting files Post 302110707 by ajayr111 on Wednesday 14th of March 2007 05:07:22 PM
Old 03-14-2007
u mean we need to delete the files.
or should we delete the log files what should we do ?
or should we processess
to get the 95% to 60%.

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RECEIVE(1)						      General Commands Manual							RECEIVE(1)

receive - receive files from the sendfile spool SYNOPSIS
receive [ -d ] [ -r ] [ -k ] [ -P ] [ -S ] [ -Z spool ] [ -q ] [ -ffrom ] file [...] receive -n [ -d ] [ -r ] [ -k ] [ -P ] [ -S ] [ -Z spool ] [ -q ] file-number [...] receive [ -s ] [ -l ] [ -L ] [ -R ] [ -ffrom ] receive -b user[@host] [ -k ] [ -f"from" ] file [...] receive -b user[@host] [ -k ] [ -f"from" ] -n file-number [...] receive -b user[@host] [ -k ] -a DESCRIPTION
receive files from the sendfile spool which has been sent to you. If there is already a file with the same name you will be prompted for overwriting or renaming. Allowed wildcards in file names are: * ? [abc] [^abc] CAUTION: you have to put wildcards and other special characters in '' quotes to hide them for interpretation by your shell. OPTIONS
-n receive file number(s) -d delete instead of receive -a receive (or delete or bounce) all files -r rename before receiving -k keep files in spool after receiving -P pipe files to stdout -S receive only pgp-signed files -s list files in short format -l list files -L list files and look inside archives, too -R renumber files in spool -b bounce (forward) files to another recipient -q quiet mode: no questions asked -fuser all actions refer only to files from this user -Z spool specify an alternate spool directory EXAMPLES
receive -L list all files in long format. receive 'blubb*' receive all files starting with string "blubb". receive -daf microsoft.com delete all files from microsoft.com sites. receive -b framstag@bofh '*.jpg' bounce all *.jpg-files to framstag@bofh. FILES
/var/spool/sendfile The sendfile spool directory. /var/spool/sendfile/$USER/log A log of the last transfers. /etc/sendfile.deny Users which are not allowed to receive files or messages (set by root). SEE ALSO
sendfile(1). AUTHOR
Ulli Horlacher - framstag@rus.uni-stuttgart.de 3rd Berkeley Distribution RECEIVE(1)
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