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Full Discussion: automated ftp.
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting automated ftp. Post 302116345 by sangfroid on Thursday 3rd of May 2007 10:32:01 AM
Old 05-03-2007
automated ftp.

I am trying to delete some specific files ( files other than created today) from the server on a cron basis. I wrote a small script, but I am stuck up in how to delete only specific files.

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set IP [lindex $argv 0]
set timeout -1
spawn ftp $IP
expect ):
send "username\n"
expect word:
send "password\n"
expect ftp>
send "prompt\n"
expect ftp>
send "passive\n"
expect ftp>
send "cd logs/\n"
expect ftp>

After this I am stuck up. It is because I want to delete files with old dates ie, I don't want to delete the file dated today.

The files are like logfile-070501,logfile-070502 and so on..

I cannot run the command "rm logfile-0705*" ( as it will delete today's file too)

By the way, I have the list of files to be deleted in a separate file. I am wondering if by running any other additional script, we can delete selected files from the remote server .

I tried with ! command of ftp, but it runs the commands on local machine.

Your help will be highly appreciated.Thanks

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SHAR(1) 						    BSD General Commands Manual 						   SHAR(1)

shar -- create a shell archive of files SYNOPSIS
shar file ... DESCRIPTION
The shar command writes a sh(1) shell script to the standard output which will recreate the file hierarchy specified by the command line op- erands. Directories will be recreated and must be specified before the files they contain (the find(1) utility does this correctly). The shar command is normally used for distributing files by ftp(1) or mail(1). EXAMPLES
To create a shell archive of the program ls(1) and mail it to Rick: cd ls shar `find . -print` | mail -s "ls source" rick To recreate the program directory: mkdir ls cd ls ... <delete header lines and examine mailed archive> ... sh archive SEE ALSO
compress(1), mail(1), tar(1), uuencode(1) HISTORY
The shar command appeared in 4.4BSD. BUGS
The shar command makes no provisions for special types of files or files containing magic characters. The shar command cannot handle files without a newline (' ') as the last character. It is easy to insert trojan horses into shar files. It is strongly recommended that all shell archive files be examined before running them through sh(1). Archives produced using this implementation of shar may be easily examined with the command: egrep -v '^[X#]' shar.file BSD
June 6, 1993 BSD
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