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Full Discussion: run script through terminal
Operating Systems Linux run script through terminal Post 302118463 by grial on Tuesday 22nd of May 2007 07:21:49 AM
Old 05-22-2007
- Just use "su -" (or simply "su" if you want oracle's environment) and "logout" when you finish.
- use su - -c "whatever" (or su -c "whatever").
- Open another terminal.

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xfce4-session-logout(1) 				      General Commands Manual					   xfce4-session-logout(1)

xfce4-session-logout - Logs out from Xfce SYNOPSIS
xfce4-session-logout DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the xfce4-session-logout command. The xfce4-session-logout command allows you to programmatically logout from your Xfce session. It requests the session manager to display the logout confirmation screen, or, if given one of the command-line options below, causes the session manager to take the requested action immediately. OPTIONS
xfce4-session-logout takes the following command line options: --logout Log out without displaying the logout dialog. --halt Halt without displaing the logout dialog. --reboot Reboot without displaying the logout dialog. --suspend Suspend without displaying the logout dialog. --hibernate Hibernate without displaying the logout dialog. --fast Do a fast shutdown. This instructs the session manager not to save the session, but instead to quit everything quickly. --help Print a help screen and exit. --version Output version information and exit. AUTHOR
xfce4-session-logout and this manual page were written by Brian Tarricone <kelnos@xfce.org> and Benedikt Meurer <benny@xfce.org> as part of the Xfce project. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to http://bugzilla.xfce.org/. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2004 Benedikt Meurer. Copyright (C) 2008 Brian Tarricone. Oct 7, 2008 xfce4-session-logout(1)
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