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Full Discussion: What Came First?
The Lounge What is on Your Mind? What Came First? Post 302135195 by Octal on Thursday 6th of September 2007 10:53:22 PM
Old 09-06-2007
Originally Posted by Neo
Fixed poll (subtracted one chicken, added one egg).
Ohh, thanks.
CHICKEN-BUG(1)						      General Commands Manual						    CHICKEN-BUG(1)

chicken-bug - generates a bug report from user input SYNOPSIS
chicken-bug [ filename | OPTION ... ] OPTIONS
-help Show usage information. -to-stdout Write bug report to standard output instead of writing it to a file. - Read user input from standard input, even if files are given on the command line. DESCRIPTION
chicken-bug generates a bug report file that collects user-input, optional files and system information obtained from the installed CHICKEN executables and libraries. Non-option arguments given on the command line are inserted into the bug report. If no option is given, or if - has been passed on the command line, then a description of the problem is read from standard input, until EOF (CTRL-D) or a line consisting only of "." (period) is read. The bug report will be written to a file in the current directory, which should be sent to CHICKEN maintainers as it contains various use- ful bits of information that make it easier to classify the problem described. Bug reports should be as detailed as possible. It is also very helpful to include code that reproduces the problem. The more detailed the input and the more thorough the description is, the easier you make it for the CHICKEN developers to help you. BUGS
Submit bug reports by e-mail to chicken-janitors@nongnu.org AUTHOR
chicken(1) 19 Sep 2001 CHICKEN-BUG(1)
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