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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers First Server (Debian) MacBook Remote Login Post 302163065 by andou on Thursday 31st of January 2008 01:41:40 AM
Old 01-31-2008
Edit (got some useful links):

Good link for a Debian install on a system already running Linux.
Apple's new Remote Disc seems to be make remote installs of OS X possible, but not Windows. (At least on a Mac).

Remaining questions / (or question rephrased):
Is there:
a) a mainboard that offers BIOS settings that would allow me to access the computer via a wireless network or the internet and install an OS (i.e.: Debian) remotely, without having any other OS installed, or...
b) A cable I could use to connect my Macbook to the server and install an OS from the optical drive on my Macbook?

Last edited by andou; 02-06-2008 at 04:56 AM.. Reason: rephrase

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debpear(1)						      General Commands Manual							debpear(1)

debpear - automatically builds and installs PEAR packages as Debian packages SYNOPSIS
debpear [options] <pear-package-name> DESCRIPTION
debpear is a tool to automatically create and build a Debian package out of a PHP PEAR package. It will download the PEAR package from pear.php.net, then by looking into it, create the corresponding Debian package, and eventually also installs it. PARAMETERS
<pear-package-name> Defines the PEAR package name you want to install, as seen on the http://pear.php.net/ site. Make sure respect the case in the name of the package (for example: Package_NAME). OPTIONS
--build-dir|-b Specify the directory where the Debian package will be built. --verbose|-v Makes debpear more verbose. --channel|-c channel Specify the URL channel of the PEAR package. Currently not implemented: please contribute! --tarball|-t tarball --pkg-version|-pv pkg-version [ --wget|-w URL ] Do not use "pear download" to optain the PEAR package from upstream authors. Instead, use tarball and use pkg-version when building the package. Eventually also download the tarball from URL using wget before building. --install|-i Install the resulting debian package in your system. Note that you must be root to use this option. If you aren't root, then debpear will try to get root using sudo. EXAMPLE
debpear -i Auth_RADIUS This will create a php-auth-radius package in ./build-area, and automatically install it. Because it's written in the package.xml shipped with Auth_RADIUS at pear.php.net, php-auth-radius will depend on php5-radius. debpear -t current.tgz -pv 1.3.1 -w http://downloads.jasig.org/cas-clients/php/current.tgz CAS Downloads cas-clients from http://downloads.jasig.org/cas-clients/php/current.tgz, as current.tgz in the current directory, then builds it as if it was downloaded as CAS-1.3.1.tgz by "pear download". IMPORTANT
Note that the debian/copyright file generated by debpear isn't good enough for redistribution of the created packages. You should carefuly review the PEAR package license before doing so. Also, debpear has been created for convenience, but it will never replace the manual work of an experienced Debian maintainer for creating PEAR packages. It can, however, be used to create a template pack- age quickly, before a careful review, in order to save time building a Debian PEAR package. AUTHORS
debpear has been written by Thomas Goirand <zigo@debian.org>, and is maintained inside the PKG PHP PEAR Debian team, that can be reached at: <pkg-php-pear@lists.alioth.debian.org>. debpear(1)
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