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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Shell script to format a .CSV data Post 302163479 by Uday1982 on Friday 1st of February 2008 05:24:35 AM
Old 02-01-2008
Thank you


Thanks!!. That was very quick and it works 95% correct. Only exception here is it create a record in every instance.., i.e. even if SC1 or SC2 or DC1 or DC2 is blank.

I mean we tested this script in all the possibalities, of SC1,SC2,SC3 and SC4, i.e. with all the 16 possibalities and it created total 64 records, where as it should have created only 32. Hence we need to eliminate the other 32 records.

Could you advice on this.

Once again thank you very much for your swift and accurate reply.


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acctcon(1M)															       acctcon(1M)

acctcon, acctcon1, acctcon2 - connect-time accounting SYNOPSIS
[options] [options] DESCRIPTION
The command converts a sequence of login/logoff records read from its standard input to a sequence of records, one per login session. Its input should normally be redirected from or Its output is ASCII, giving device, user ID, login name, prime connect time (seconds), non- prime connect time (seconds), session starting time (numeric), and starting date and time. Prime connect time is defined as the connect time within a specific prime period on a non-holiday weekday (Monday through Friday). The starting and ending time of the prime period and the year's holidays are defined in file expects as input a sequence of login session records, produced by and converts them into total accounting records (see format in acct(4)). combines the functionality of and into one program. It takes the same input format as and writes the same output as recognizes the following options: Print input only, showing line name, login name, and time (in both numeric and date/time formats). maintains a list of lines on which users are logged in. When it reaches the end of its input, it emits a session record for each line that still appears to be active. It normally assumes that its input is a current file, so that it uses the current time as the ending time for each ses- sion still in progress. The flag causes it to use, instead, the last time found in its input, thus ensuring reason- able and repeatable numbers for non-current files. and recognize the following options: file is created to contain a summary of line usage showing line name, number of minutes used, percentage of total elapsed time used, number of sessions charged, number of logins, and number of logoffs. This file helps track line usage, identify bad lines, and find software and hardware oddities. Hang-up, termination of (see login(1)), and termination of the login shell each generate logoff records, so that the number of logoffs is often three to four times the num- ber of sessions. See init(1M) and utmp(4). file is filled with an overall record for the accounting period, giving starting time, ending time, number of reboots, and number of date changes. When this option is used, the records of the type found in are read from the specified input. EXAMPLES
These commands are typically used as shown below. The file is created only for the use of commands described by the acctprc(1M) manual entry: or With option: or Note: The file can be either or a file containing records of the type found in WARNINGS
The line usage report is confused by date changes. Use (see fwtmp(1M)) to correct this situation. FILES
login(1), acct(1M), acctcms(1M), acctcom(1M), acctmerg(1M), acctprc(1M), acctsh(1M), fwtmp(1M), init(1M), utmpd(1M), runacct(1M), acct(2), getbwent(3C), acct(4), utmp(4). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
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