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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting redirect only the standard error output to mail Post 302165772 by internetlarry on Friday 8th of February 2008 07:41:33 PM
Old 02-08-2008
redirect only the standard error output to mail

Trying to setup rsync backup in the same fashion, but having much more limited knowledge than you gentlemen about shell scripts, can either of you give me an example of the 'finished' script you are talking about that is fully functional?

I am setting up a server that will use the rsync command and ssh to backup from local directories to an account at rsync.net and need to have emails sent to me if it fails.


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SCRIPT-EMAIL(8) 					  System Administration Commands					   SCRIPT-EMAIL(8)

script-email - Amanda script to send email notifications DESCRIPTION
script-email is an Amanda script implementing the Script API. It should not be run by users directly. It sends a notification email to the addresses specified in the MAILTO property. PROPERTIES
This section lists the properties that control script-email's functionality. See amanda-scripts(7) for information on the Script API, script configuration. MAILTO List of email addresses that will receive an email on command execution. It is a multi-valued property: property "MAILTO" "amanda@domain.com" "sysadmin@domain.com" "amandauser@domain.com" EXAMPLE
In this example, script-email is scheduled to be run before the DLE, on the server. The unqualified email address amanda will be passed to the email system unchanged. The script is then attached to a dumptype, which can then be specified for any DLEs which require notification. define script-tool pre-email { comment "email me before this DLE is backed up" plugin "script-email" execute-on pre-dle-backup execute-where server property "mailto" "amanda" } define dumptype user-tar-email { user-tar script "pre-email" } SEE ALSO
amanda(8), amanda.conf(5), amanda-client.conf(5), amanda-scripts(7) The Amanda Wiki: : http://wiki.zmanda.com/ AUTHORS
Jean-Louis Martineau <martineau@zmanda.com> Zmanda, Inc. (http://www.zmanda.com) Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin@zmanda.com> Zmanda, Inc. (http://www.zmanda.com) Amanda 3.3.3 01/10/2013 SCRIPT-EMAIL(8)
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