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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting set variable with another variable? c shell Post 302169998 by ynixon on Saturday 23rd of February 2008 01:38:00 PM
Old 02-23-2008

set ${$pe} = M

set pe = M

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REARJ(1)							   Arj Software 							  REARJ(1)

rearj - Converts other archive formats to .arj files SYNOPSIS
rearj [options] <!listfile(s)|filespec(s)|wildname(s)> DESCRIPTION
The rearj command can repackage other archive formats to arj. OPTIONS
-+ Ignore REARJ_SW variable. -a[suffix] Convert archives within archives ("*" for all formats). -bcommand Execute command before extracting files. -ccommand Execute command on extracted files before counting them. -d Delete original archives. -e No error switch. -f Convert diskette archives. -g Skip creation of output archive. -i[name] Check integrity of rearj program. -j Skip if output archive size is larger than the original. -k Skip archive timestamping. -l[name] Write append log file (default name is rearj.log). -m[date] Select archives before date in YYMMDDHHMMSS format. -n[date] Select archives on or after date in YYMMDDHHMMSS format. -o Allow overwrite of existing target archive. -p Ignore long filenames under Windows 95. -q Query for each archive to convert. -r Recurse through subdirectories. -s Skip verify of file count and total size. -tsuffix Create suffix type archives. -u[bak] Allow update of archive with backup (default is BAK). -v Execute configured command on extracted files. -wdir Assign work directory. -x[!]file Exclude by filename, wildname, or listfile. -y[text] Delete output archive and write text to log (testing mode). -z Simulate operation. ENVIRONMENT
REARJ_SW If set, its value will be used as command line options. EXIT STATUS
0 Success. 1 File not found. 2 File is not a configured archive type. 3 Target archive already exists. 4 Not enough disk space. 5 User skipped or user did not select update option. 6 UNPACK command error. 7 PACK command error. 8 Target cannot support directories. 9 Wrong file count. 10 Wrong total size. 11 Internal archive REARJ error. 12 Rename archive error. 13 Invoked -v command error (found a virus?). 14 Output archive is larger. EXAMPLE
rearj * -r -d Convert all archives to ARJ format, searching all subdirectories, deleting original archives. SEE ALSO
arj(1). AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Ola Lundqvist <opal@debian.org> in pod format, then converted by Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org> to nroff format. 3.10 2003-03-10 REARJ(1)
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