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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Problem with global and local variables Post 302172522 by qzv2jm on Tuesday 4th of March 2008 02:44:30 AM
Old 03-04-2008
Power Problem with global and local variables

Guys, how can I define global variables in sorlaris...cause I lose the values outside the scope.

Rite now wat I do is,I redirect variable value to a file n then get it back outside the function...Smilie....theres obviously a better way of doing this...I now this is a basic question....but please help.....

Last edited by qzv2jm; 03-04-2008 at 04:10 AM..

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import_request_variables - Import GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope

bool import_request_variables (string $types, [string $prefix]) DESCRIPTION
Imports GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope. It is useful if you disabled register_globals, but would like to see some vari- ables in the global scope. If you're interested in importing other variables into the global scope, such as $_SERVER, consider using extract(3). Warning This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 5.4.0. PARAMETERS
o $types - Using the $types parameter, you can specify which request variables to import. You can use 'G', 'P' and 'C' characters respec- tively for GET, POST and Cookie. These characters are not case sensitive, so you can also use any combination of 'g', 'p' and 'c'. POST includes the POST uploaded file information. Note Note that the order of the letters matters, as when using " GP", the POST variables will overwrite GET variables with the same name. Any other letters than GPC are discarded. o $prefix - Variable name prefix, prepended before all variable's name imported into the global scope. So if you have a GET value named " userid", and provide a prefix " pref_", then you'll get a global variable named $pref_userid. Note Although the $prefix parameter is optional, you will get an E_NOTICE level error if you specify no prefix, or specify an empty string as a prefix. This is a possible security hazard. Notice level errors are not displayed using the default error reporting level. RETURN VALUES
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. EXAMPLES
Example #1 import_request_variables(3) example <?php // This will import GET and POST vars // with an "rvar_" prefix import_request_variables("gp", "rvar_"); echo $rvar_foo; ?> SEE ALSO
$_REQUEST, register_globals, Predefined Variables, extract(3). PHP Documentation Group IMPORT_REQUEST_VARIABLES(3)
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