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Full Discussion: Nmon tool
Operating Systems AIX Nmon tool Post 302179124 by niral on Thursday 27th of March 2008 03:58:39 AM
Old 03-27-2008
Well you can try the commands to get the output of Nmon tool,

The following command captures the data every 30 secs for an hour and stores output into the file.

nmon -f -s 30 -c 120

Above command creates the output file in the current directory called <hostname>_date_time.nmon

You can even
type the nmon -? command for brief details
Type the nmon -h command for full details.

I just hope this solves you r query.

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MC-TOOL(1)							     Utilities								MC-TOOL(1)

mc-tool - manipulate Mission Control accounts from the command line SYNOPSIS
mc-tool list mc-tool add PROFILE DISPLAY-NAME [PARAMETER-SETTINGS...] mc-tool add MANAGER/PROTOCOL [PARAMETER-SETTINGS...] mc-tool update ACCOUNT [PARAMETER-SETTINGS...] mc-tool display ACCOUNT DISPLAY-NAME mc-tool nick ACCOUNT NICKNAME mc-tool service ACCOUNT SERVICE-NAME mc-tool icon ACCOUNT ICON mc-tool show ACCOUNT mc-tool get ACCOUNT PARAMETER [PARAMETER...] mc-tool auto-presence ACCOUNT STATUS [MESSAGE] mc-tool request ACCOUNT STATUS [MESSAGE] mc-tool auto-connect ACCOUNT on|off mc-tool remove ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION
mc-tool's usage depends on its first argument (the "command") SPECIFYING ACCOUNTS Where an account name is needed, it may be given as a full object path (e.g. /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Account/gabble/jabber/example), or as the unique account-specific suffix (e.g. gabble/jabber/example). SPECIFYING PARAMETER SETTINGS Many commands take arguments that represent Telepathy connection manager parameters (see the Telepathy Specification for details of these). Each argument has the following form: TYPE:NAME=VALUE where TYPE is either int, uint, bool, or string (other parameter types exist, but are currently unsupported by mc-tool), NAME is the name of the connection manager parameter (e.g. account or password), and VALUE is the parameter's value (with integers in decimal, and booleans as 0 or 1). The update command also accepts arguments of the form clear:NAME which delete the named parameter from the account configuration. LIST mc-tool list lists the available accounts. ADD mc-tool add adds an account. The connection manager and protocol can either be given as the name of a Mission Control profile, (e.g. gtalk), or as a slash-separated connection manager name and protocol (e.g. gabble/jabber). DISPLAY mc-tool display ACCOUNT DISPLAY-NAME sets the DisplayName property of ACCOUNT to DISPLAY-NAME. NICK mc-tool nick ACCOUNT NICKNAME sets the Nickname property of ACCOUNT to NICKNAME. SERVICE mc-tool service ACCOUNT SERVICE-NAME sets the Service property of ACCOUNT to SERVICE-NAME. ICON mc-tool icon ACCOUNT ICON sets the Icon property of ACCOUNT to ICON. SHOW mc-tool show ACCOUNT shows information about ACCOUNT. GET mc-tool get ACCOUNT PARAMETER [PARAMETER...] shows the values of the given parameters of ACCOUNT. ENABLE mc-tool enable ACCOUNT sets the Enabled property of ACCOUNT to True. DISABLE mc-tool disable ACCOUNT sets the Enabled property of ACCOUNT to False. AUTO-PRESENCE mc-tool auto-presence ACCOUNT STATUS [MESSAGE] sets the AutomaticPresence property of ACCOUNT to STATUS with optional message MESSAGE. REQUEST mc-tool request ACCOUNT STATUS [MESSAGE] sets the RequestedPresence property of ACCOUNT to STATUS with optional message MESSAGE; this is how you tell an account to connect or go offline, for example. AUTO-CONNECT mc-tool auto-connect ACCOUNT on sets the ConnectAutomatically property of ACCOUNT to True. mc-tool auto-connect ACCOUNT off sets it to False. Telepathy July 2009 MC-TOOL(1)
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