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Full Discussion: 3 questions about NTP server
Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers 3 questions about NTP server Post 302182887 by Katkota on Monday 7th of April 2008 04:43:46 PM
Old 04-07-2008
Power 3 questions about NTP server

I'm setting up a new NTP server to sync time for our network. I have one Linux server that needs to point to that NTP server
My 3 questions are:

1. I added the IP address for the NTP server to the "/etc/hosts" file on the Linux server. Is that all i need to do to make the Linux server point to the NTP server?

2. After pointing the Linux server to the NTP server, do i need to reboot the Linux server or restart any daemon on the Linux server? in other words, what do i need to do to make sure the changes i made in the "/etc/hosts" took affect?

3. Is there a way to test the NTP server to make sure it interact with the Linux server & will work fine if i have a timing issue on the Linux server? I want to test it so if something happens for real i don't look like a dummy

Thanks Folks in advance

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timedsetup(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     timedsetup(8)

timedsetup - Performs initial setup of the time server daemon (timed). SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/timedsetup DESCRIPTION
The timedsetup command is an interactive script that can be used to perform initial time service configuration for your system. By default, timed does not start at boot time. The timedsetup script asks if you want the timed daemon to be started at boot time, and prompts you for any options to pass to the timed daemon whenever it is invoked. The script then starts the timed daemon. For more information on the timed options, see the timed(8) reference page. Note The timed daemon is provided for compatibility. Tru64 UNIX also provides support for the Network Time Protocol (NTP) through the xntpd daemon. Compaq recommends you use NTP for time synchronization. If your system is configured to run NTP, the timedsetup command passes the -E and -M options to the timed daemon by default. If you plan to run both the timed daemon and NTP, you should configure NTP first. RESTRICTIONS
In configurations with two or more hosts each connected to the same two or more subnetworks, only one of the host can run the timed with the -M option. FILES
Specifies the command pathname The timed startup and shutdown script Specifies timed parameters pertinent to a specific system SEE ALSO
Commands: timed(8), xntpd(8) timedsetup(8)
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