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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users How to select Test in Vi Editor Post 302190719 by Aejaz on Wednesday 30th of April 2008 10:30:04 AM
Old 04-30-2008
How to select Test in Vi Editor


file1 is 10pages long in vi.
How to select the complete contents of the life.


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ZDIFF(1)						      General Commands Manual							  ZDIFF(1)

zcmp, zdiff - compare compressed files SYNOPSIS
zcmp [ cmp_options ] file1 [ file2 ] zdiff [ diff_options ] file1 [ file2 ] DESCRIPTION
Zcmp and zdiff are used to invoke the cmp or the diff program on files compressed via gzip. All options specified are passed directly to cmp or diff. If only file1 is specified, it is compared to the uncompressed contents of file1.gz. If two files are specified, their con- tents (uncompressed if necessary) are fed to cmp or diff. The input files are not modified. The exit status from cmp or diff is pre- served. SEE ALSO
cmp(1), diff(1), zmore(1), zgrep(1), znew(1), zforce(1), gzip(1), gzexe(1) BUGS
Messages from the cmp or diff programs may refer to file names such as "-" instead of to the file names specified. ZDIFF(1)
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