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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting PERL: add string to multiple lines Post 302196755 by bonny on Monday 19th of May 2008 11:11:20 AM
Old 05-19-2008
That's exactly what I've tried!
Nevertheless, the output is still:
#pragma my myExample_send ("MasterSends",
"Data Type",

instead of:
#pragma my my_Example_send ("MasterSends",
#pragma my n,
#pragma my "Data Type",
#pragma my MPI_INT);

I think "undef $/;" already ensures that I read the entire file instead of reading line by line.

However, regarding the output I am looking for:
My thinking is that I also have to look for ";" and keep adding "#pragma my " until ";" appears.
But then I probably *have to* do it line by line, right?

Any thoughts out there?
Please let me know!
Thanks a lot!

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SLAPD-PERL(5)							File Formats Manual						     SLAPD-PERL(5)

slapd-perl - Perl backend to slapd SYNOPSIS
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf DESCRIPTION
The Perl backend to slapd(8) works by embedding a perl(1) interpreter into slapd(8). Any perl database section of the configuration file slapd.conf(5) must then specify what Perl module to use. Slapd then creates a new Perl object that handles all the requests for that par- ticular instance of the backend. You will need to create a method for each one of the following actions: * new # creates a new object, * search # performs the ldap search, * compare # does a compare, * modify # modifies an entry, * add # adds an entry to backend, * modrdn # modifies an entry's rdn, * delete # deletes an ldap entry, * config # module-specific config directives, * init # called after backend is initialized. Unless otherwise specified, the methods return the result code which will be returned to the client. Unimplemented actions can just return unwillingToPerform (53). new This method is called when the configuration file encounters a perlmod line. The module in that line is then effectively `use'd into the perl interpreter, then the new method is called to create a new object. Note that multiple instances of that object may be instantiated, as with any perl object. The new method receives the class name as argument. search This method is called when a search request comes from a client. It arguments are as follows: * object reference * base DN * scope * alias dereferencing policy * size limit * time limit * filter string * attributes only flag (1 for yes) * list of attributes to return (may be empty) Return value: (resultcode, ldif-entry, ldif-entry, ...) compare This method is called when a compare request comes from a client. Its arguments are as follows. * object reference * dn * attribute assertion string modify This method is called when a modify request comes from a client. Its arguments are as follows. * object reference * dn * a list formatted as follows ({ "ADD" | "DELETE" | "REPLACE" }, attributetype, value...)... add This method is called when a add request comes from a client. Its arguments are as follows. * object reference * entry in string format modrdn This method is called when a modrdn request comes from a client. Its arguments are as follows. * object reference * dn * new rdn * delete old dn flag (1 means yes) delete This method is called when a delete request comes from a client. Its arguments are as follows. * object reference * dn config This method is called once for each perlModuleConfig line in the slapd.conf(5) configuration file. Its arguments are as follows. * object reference * array of arguments on line Return value: nonzero if this is not a valid option. init This method is called after backend is initialized. Its argument is as follows. * object reference Return value: nonzero if initialization failed. CONFIGURATION
These slapd.conf options apply to the PERL backend database. That is, they must follow a "database perl" line and come before any subse- quent "backend" or "database" lines. Other database options are described in the slapd.conf(5) manual page. perlModulePath /path/to/libs Add the path to the @INC variable. perlModule ModName `Use' the module name ModName from ModName.pm filterSearchResults Search results are candidates that need to be filtered (with the filter in the search request), rather than search results to be returned directly to the client. perlModuleConfig <arguments> Invoke the module's config method with the given arguments. EXAMPLE
There is an example Perl module `SampleLDAP' in the slapd/back-perl/ directory in the OpenLDAP source tree. ACCESS CONTROL
The perl backend does not honor any of the access control semantics described in slapd.access(5); all access control is delegated to the underlying PERL scripting. Only read (=r) access to the entry pseudo-attribute and to the other attribute values of the entries returned by the search operation is honored, which is performed by the frontend. WARNING
The interface of this backend to the perl module MAY change. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Note: in previous versions, any unrecognized lines in the slapd.conf file were passed to the perl module's config method. This behavior is deprecated (but still allowed for backward compatibility), and the perlModuleConfig directive should instead be used to invoke the module's config method. This compatibility feature will be removed at some future date. FILES
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf default slapd configuration file SEE ALSO
slapd.conf(5), slapd(8), perl(1). OpenLDAP 2012/04/23 SLAPD-PERL(5)
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