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Full Discussion: removing empty tags
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting removing empty tags Post 302222280 by vijayhai on Wednesday 6th of August 2008 12:55:31 PM
Old 08-06-2008
removing empty tags


I have a file as shown below.
<crown:alb date="2008-07-10" lowValue="3.50" method="BCG" value="3.50"/>
<crown:cre date="2008-07-10" value="9.5"></crown:cre>

I want to remove the empty tags. i.e I want to remove




If it happens to have records in between the tags, then I do not want to delete.

Can any of you know good approaches to it?


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pfstag(1)						      General Commands Manual							 pfstag(1)

pfstag - Set or remove tags to/from pfs stream SYNOPSIS
pfstag [--set [channel:]name=value] [--remove [channel:]name] DESCRIPTION
Use this command to set or remove tags from the pfs-stream. Tags are used to add additional information to pfs frames and they are in the format: 'name=value'. To learn more about tags, read 'Specification of the PFS File Format'. Tags are set/removed to/from all pfs frames in the stream. Note that currently only OpenEXR file format supports tags. OPTIONS
--set [channel:]name=value], -s [channel:]name=value], --add [channel:]name=value] Change existing or add a new tag of the given name. If no channel is given, tags are added to the frame. --remove [channel:]name], -r [channel:]name] Remove tag of the given name. Ignore if the tag does not exist. If no channel is given, tags are removed from the frame. EXAMPLES
pfsin memorial.hdr | pfstag --add "EXTRA_INFO=foo" | pfsout memorial_ei.exr Add tag "EXTRA_INFO=foo" to the memorial image and save it as memorial_ei.exr. SEE ALSO
pfsin(1) pfsout(1) BUGS
Please report bugs and comments to Rafal Mantiuk <mantiuk@mpi-sb.mpg.de>. pfstag(1)
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