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Top Forums Programming recursive copy of the directory Post 302227751 by deepthi.s on Friday 22nd of August 2008 12:58:27 AM
Old 08-22-2008
recursive copy of the directory

I want to copy a directory recursively ( it again has directories) and the directory is on windows and is nfsmounted in vxWorks, i am using unix to develop the code for this, can any one suggest me how to copy the directories recursively.

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AFS-UP(1)						       AFS Command Reference							 AFS-UP(1)

up - Recursively copy directories, preserving AFS metadata SYNOPSIS
up [-v] [-1] [-f] [-r] [-x] [-m] <source directory> <destination directory> DESCRIPTION
The up command recursively copies the files and subdirectories in a specified source directory to a specified destination directory. The command interpreter changes the destination directory and the files and subdirectories in it in the following ways: o It copies the source directory's access control list (ACL) to the destination directory and its subdirectories, overwriting any existing ACLs. o If the issuer is logged on as the local superuser root and has AFS tokens as a member of the group system:administrators, then the source directory's owner (as reported by the "ls -ld" command) becomes the owner of the destination directory and all files and subdirectories in it. Otherwise, the issuer's user name is recorded as the owner. o If a file or directory exists in both the source and destination directories, the source version overwrites the destination version. The overwrite operation fails if the first (user) "w" (write) mode bit is turned off on the version in the destination directory, unless the -f flag is provided. o The modification timestamp on a file (as displayed by the "ls -l" command) in the source directory overwrites the timestamp on a file of the same name in the destination directory, but the timestamp on an existing subdirectory in the destination directory remains unchanged. If the command creates a new subdirectory in the destination directory, the new subdirectory's timestamp is set to the time of the copy operation, rather than to the timestamp that the subdirectory has in the source directory. The up command is idempotent, meaning that if its execution is interrupted by a network, server machine, or process outage, then a subsequent reissue of the same command continues from the interruption point, rather than starting over at the beginning. This saves time and reduces network traffic in comparison to the UNIX commands that provide similar functionality. The up command returns a status code of 0 (zero) only if it succeeds. Otherwise, it returns a status code of 1 (one). This command does not use the syntax conventions of the AFS command suites. Provide the command name and all option names in full. OPTIONS
-v Prints a detailed trace to the standard output stream as the command runs. -1 Copies only the files in the top level source directory to the destination directory, rather than copying recursively through subdirectories. The source directory's ACL still overwrites the destination directory's. (This is the number one, not the letter "l".) -f Overwrites existing directories, subdirectories, and files even if the first (user) "w" (write) mode bit is turned off on the version in the destination directory. -m Recognize and copy mount points rather than traversing the volumes they reference during the recursive copy operation. Without -m, up's default behavior is to copy the contents of all volumes and subvolumes mounted under the source directory into the volume containing the destination directory. -r Creates a backup copy of all files overwritten in the destination directory and its subdirectories, by adding a ".old" extension to each filename. -x Sets the modification timestamp on each file to the time of the copying operation. source directory Names the directory to copy recursively. destination directory Names the directory to which to copy. It does not have to exist already. EXAMPLES
The following command copies the contents of the directory dir1 to directory dir2: % up dir1 dir2 PRIVILEGE REQUIRED
The issuer must have the "a" (administer) permission on the ACL of both the source and destination directories. COPYRIGHT
IBM Corporation 2000. <http://www.ibm.com/> All Rights Reserved. This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas Williams and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell. OpenAFS 2012-03-26 AFS-UP(1)
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