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Full Discussion: cat and grep not working
Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users cat and grep not working Post 302233857 by jphess on Monday 8th of September 2008 04:37:59 PM
Old 09-08-2008
cat and grep not working

I am trying to cat a file and then grep that file for a number. I can do it fine on other files but this particular file will not do anything. I tried running it on an older file from the same device but it is just not working. The file is nothing more than a flat file on a unix box. Here is just a excerpt from the file:


I tried grepping in several manners with no luck Any ideas?

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sip_get_header(3SIP)				   Session Initiation Protocol Library Functions			      sip_get_header(3SIP)

sip_get_header - get a SIP header from a message SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lsip [ library ... ] #include <sip.h> const struct sip_header *sip_get_header(sip_msg_t sip_msg, char *header_name, sip_header_t old_header, int *error); DESCRIPTION
The sip_get_header() function returns the header specified by header_name (long or compact form) from the SIP message sip_msg. If header_name is NULL, the first header in the SIP message is returned. The old_header, if non-null, specifies the starting position in sip_msg from which the search is started. Otherwise, the search begins at the start of the SIP message. For example, to get the first VIA header from the SIP message sip_msg: via_hdr = sip_get_header(sip_msg, "VIA", NULL, &error); To get the next VIA header from sip_msg: via_hdr = sip_get_header(sip_msg, "VIA", via_hdr, &error); The sip_get_header() function ignores any header that is marked as deleted. RETURN VALUES
On success, the sip_get_header() function returns the queried header. On failure, it returns NULL. The value of errno is not changed by these calls in the event of an error. ERRORS
The following value may be returned: EINVAL The header_name specified in the SIP message is not present or has been deleted; or, the header_name is not specified and there are no "un-deleted" headers in the SIP message. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Committed | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
libsip(3LIB) SunOS 5.11 09 Feb 2007 sip_get_header(3SIP)
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