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Full Discussion: mksysb with smitty
Operating Systems AIX mksysb with smitty Post 302234902 by lo-lp-kl on Wednesday 10th of September 2008 07:22:28 PM
Old 09-10-2008
mksysb with smitty


I need to make a mksysb, I try with smitty but I get the next message

0512-017 mksysb: Cannot write to the device /dev/rmt3.
Either write protected or in use.

My tape are ready to write ( dont get protection)
I use the clean tape
and I try with other tapes but I got the same message

My question is someone has got this problem before.

Thanks for your advices

I send some commands

lsdev -Cc tape
rmt0 Available 08-08-02 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
rmt1 Available 08-08-02 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
rmt2 Available 08-08-02 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
rmt3 Available 08-08-02 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
smc0 Available 08-08-02 IBM 3583 Library Medium Changer (FCP)

lscfg -vpsl rmt3
rmt3 U7311.D20.10035BB-P1-C01-T1-W500308C143CAE002-L0
IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)

Machine Type and Model......ULT3580-TD3
Serial Number...............1210068798
Device Specific.(FW)........73P5

lsattr -El /dev/rmt3
lsattr: 0514-519 The following device was not found in the customized
device configuration database:

prodwps2 > mt -f /dev/rmt3 status
rmt3 Available 08-08-02 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
attribute value description user_settable

alt_pathing no Enable Alternate Pathing Support True
autoload no Use Autoloading Feature at End-of-Tape True
block_size 0 Block Size (0=Variable Length) True
compress yes Use Hardware Compression on Tape True
debug_trace no Debug Trace Logging Enabled True
dev_status N/A False
devtype ULT3580- Device Type False
location Location True
logging no Activate volume information logging True
lun_id 0x0 Logical Unit Number True
max_log_size 500 Maximum size of log file (in # of entries) True
new_name New Logical Name True
node_name 0x500308c143cae001 World Wide Node Name False
primary_device rmt3 Primary Logical Device False
retain_reserve no Retain Reservation False
rew_immediate no Use Immediate Bit in Rewind Commands True
scsi_id 0x158e8 SCSI Target ID True
space_mode SCSI Backward Space/Forward Space Record Mode True
trace_logging no Trace Logging Enabled True
trailer_labels no Trailer Label Processing True
ww_name 0x500308c143cae002 World Wide Port Name False

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AMMT(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   AMMT(8)

ammt - Amanda version of mt SYNOPSIS
ammt [ -d ] [ -f|-t device ] command [ count ] DESCRIPTION
Ammt provides just enough of the standard mt command for the needs of Amanda. This is handy when doing a full restore and the standard mt program has not yet been found. Ammt also provides access to the Amanda output drivers that support various tape simulations. See the amanda(8) man page for more details about Amanda. See the OUTPUT DRIVERS section of amanda(8) for more information on the Amanda output drivers. OPTIONS
-d Turn on debugging output. -f device Access tape device device. If not specified, the TAPE environment variable is used. -t device Same as -f. command count Which command to issue, and an optional count of operations. COMMANDS
Each command may be abbreviated to whatever length makes it unique. eof|weof count Write count (default: 1) end of file marks (tapemarks). fsf count Skip forward count (default: 1) files. bsf count Skip backward count (default: 1) files. asf count Position to file number count (default: 0) where zero is beginning of tape. This is the same as a rewind followed by a fsf count. rewind Rewind to beginning of tape. offline|rewoffl Rewind to beginning of tape and unload the tape from the drive. status Report status information about the drive. Which data reported, and what it means, depends on the underlying operating system, and may include: ONLINE Indicates the drive is online and ready. OFFLINE Indicates the drive is offline or not ready. BOT Indicates the drive is at beginning of tape. EOT Indicates the drive is at end of tape. PROTECTED Indicates the tape is write protected. ds Device status. er Error register. fileno Current tape file number. blkno Current tape block number file. NOTE: many systems only report good data when a tape is in the drive and ready. AUTHOR
Marc Mengel <mengel@fnal.gov> John R. Jackson <jrj@purdue.edu> SEE ALSO
amanda(8) AMMT(8)
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