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Operating Systems Solaris cannot telnet/ftp to solaris machine by straight cable makes problem .. Post 302237071 by incredible on Wednesday 17th of September 2008 12:59:04 AM
Old 09-17-2008
In order to not to be confused, you may ask the PL mahadib, on which port the cable is connected to instead. Ask him to check what is "written/engraved" near to the port he's connecting to. We will be much clearer if he's talking abt the ethernet OR serial port..

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READER.CONF(5)							    PC/SC Lite							    READER.CONF(5)

reader.conf - configuration file for pcscd readers' drivers DESCRIPTION
The /etc/reader.conf file contains configuration information for serial and (some) PCMCIA smart card readers. USB readers SHALL NOT be configured using this file. pcscd uses another mechanism to automatically load USB drivers. SYNTAX
The /etc/reader.conf is a regular text file. Each reader must be defined by four fields: FRIENDLYNAME TEXT_STRING DEVICENAME FILENAME LIBPATH FILENAME CHANNELID NUMBER The "FRIENDLYNAME" field is an arbitrary text used to identify the reader. This text is displayed by commands like pcsc_scan(1) that prints the names of all the connected and detected readers. The "DEVICENAME" field was not used for old drivers (using the IFD handler version 2.0 or earlier). It is now (IFD handler version 3.0) used to identify the physical port on which the reader is connected. This is the device name of this port. It is dependent of the OS ker- nel. The first serial port device is called /dev/ttyS0 under Linux and /dev/cuaa0 under FreeBSD. The "LIBPATH" field is the filename of the driver code. The driver is a dynamically loaded piece of code (generally a drivername.so*file). The "CHANNELID" is no more used for recent drivers (IFD handler 3.0) and has been superseded by "DEVICENAME". If you have an old driver this field is used to indicate the port to use. You should read your driver documentation to know what information is needed here. It should be the serial port number for a serial reader. EXAMPLE
# Gemplus GemPCTwin reader with serial communication # connected to the first serial port FRIENDLYNAME "GemPCTwin serial" DEVICENAME /dev/ttyS0 LIBPATH /usr/lib64/readers/serial/libccidtwin.so.0.4.1 CHANNELID 1 DEBUGGING
In order to set up your /etc/reader.conf file correctly you may want to have debug messages from pcscd. I recommend you to start pscsd in the foreground and debug mode using: # pcscd --foreground --debug If everything seems OK you can use the pcsc_scan command to print the list of correctly detected readers and try to get the ATR of your smart cards. AUTHOR
Ludovic Rousseau <ludovic.rousseau@free.fr> SEE ALSO
pcscd(8), pcsc_scan(1) Muscle August 2005 READER.CONF(5)
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