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Full Discussion: how to find the host name
Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers how to find the host name Post 302249288 by ani_rvce on Tuesday 21st of October 2008 04:49:44 AM
Old 10-21-2008
Java how to find the host name


what is the command to find the host name with IP address.
is possible to find the host name of other boxes( having their ip) from the same box (assuming telnet to other box is possible from this)


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avahi-resolve(1)					      General Commands Manual						  avahi-resolve(1)

avahi-resolve - Resolve one or more mDNS/DNS host name(s) to IP address(es) (and vice versa) using the Avahi daemon SYNOPSIS
avahi-resolve --name host-name ... avahi-resolve-host-name host-name ... avahi-resolve --address address ... avahi-resolve-address address ... DESCRIPTION
Resolve one or more mDNS/DNS host name(s) to IP address(es) (and vice versa) using the Avahi daemon. The daemon is not the standard Avahi daemon but a proxy to a Bonjour daemon. OPTIONS
When passing -n, specify one or more fully qualified mDNS/DNS host name(s) (e.g. "foo.local") to resolve into IP addresses on the command line. When passing -a, specify one or more IP address to resolve into host names. avahi-resolve-host-name is equivalent to avahi-resolve --name. avahi-resolve-address is equivalent to avahi-resolve --address. -n | --name Translate one or more fully qualified host names into addresses. -a | --address Translate one or more addresses into fully qualified host names. -v | --verbose Enable verbose mode. -6 When resolving a host name, look for IPv6 addresses exclusively. -4 When resolving a host name, look for IPv4 addresses exclusively. -h | --help Show help. -V | --version Show version information. SEE ALSO
avahi-publish-address(1) COMMENTS
This man page was written using xml2man(1) by Oliver Kurth. Manuals User avahi-resolve(1)
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