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Full Discussion: How to display an error msg?
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to display an error msg? Post 302252694 by anushree.a on Thursday 30th of October 2008 06:19:37 AM
Old 10-30-2008
How to display an error msg?

Hi friends,
Please suggest a solution for this.
A script has following things.

echo "Enter P for PML"
echo "Enter V for VVL"
echo "Enter L for LNL"
echo "Enter G for GDL"
read choice
echo ${choice} >> LOG_Daily.txt

if operator enters anything other that P/V/L/G it should show an error msg like "Wrong media Choice; Please try again"

Thanx in advance

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xpacmdnew(3)							SAORD Documentation						      xpacmdnew(3)

XPACmdNew - create a new XPA public access point for commands SYNOPSIS
#include <xpa.h> XPA XPACmdNew(char *class, char *name); DESCRIPTION
Create a new XPA public access point for commands that will share a common identifier class:name. Enter this access point into the XPA name server, so that it can be accessed by external processes. XPACmdNew() returns an XPA struct. It often is more convenient to have one public access point that can manage a number of commands, rather than having individual access points for each command. For example, it is easier to command the ds9 image display using: echo "colormap I8" | xpaset ds9 echo "scale log" | xpaset ds9 echo "file foo.fits" | xpaset ds9 then to use: echo "I8" | xpaset ds9_colormap echo "log" | xpaset ds9_scale echo "foo.fits" | xpaset ds9_file In the first case, the commands remain the same regardless of the target XPA name. In the second case, the command names must change for each instance of ds9. That is, if a second instance of ds9 called DS9 were running, it would be commanded either as: echo "colormap I8" | xpaset DS9 echo "scale log" | xpaset DS9 echo "file foo.fits" | xpaset DS9 or as: echo "I8" | xpaset DS9_colormap echo "log" | xpaset DS9_scale echo "foo.fits" | xpaset DS9_file Thus, in cases where a program is going to manage many commands, it generally is easier to define them as commands associated with the XPACmdNew() routine, rather than as separate access points using XPANew(). When XPACmdNew() is called, only the class:name identifier is specified. Each sub-command is subsequently defined using the XPACmdAdd() routine. SEE ALSO
See xpa(7) for a list of XPA help pages version 2.1.14 June 7, 2012 xpacmdnew(3)
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