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Full Discussion: making shell script
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting making shell script Post 302272991 by JerryHone on Friday 2nd of January 2009 08:50:49 AM
Old 01-02-2009
When cron runs any job, it does so in a minimal environment, but when you run a job manually, your whole environment is usually setup with .profile (Korn, Bourne and Bash, I believe) or .login/.cshrc (CSH).

In cron, you can add an entry such as...

00 12 * * * . /home/.profile; <command>

so that you get the whole normal profile available to the cronned command.


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cron(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   cron(8)

cron - The system clock daemon SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/cron DESCRIPTION
The cron daemon runs shell commands at specified dates and times. Commands that are to run according to a regular or periodic schedule are found within the crontab files. Commands that are to run once only are found within the at files. You submit crontab and at file entries by using the crontab and at commands. Because the cron process exits only when killed or when the system stops, only one cron daemon should exist on the system at any given time. Normally, you start the cron daemon from within a run command file. During process initialization and when cron detects a change, it examines the crontab and at files. This strategy reduces the overhead of checking for new or changed files at regularly scheduled intervals. The cron command creates a log of its activities. The cron daemon must be started from the system startup scripts because it must begin execution without a login user ID set. The cron daemon starts each job with the following process attributes stored with the job by the invoking process: Login user ID Effective and real user IDs Effective and real group IDs Supplementary groups It also establishes the following attributes from the authentication profile of the account associated with the login user ID of the invok- ing process: Audit control and disposition masks Kernel authorizations DIAGNOSTICS
The at and batch programs will refuse to accept jobs submitted from processes whose login user ID is different from the real user ID. FILES
Specifies the command path. Main cron directory Directory containing the crontab files. List of allowed users. List of denied users His- tory information for cron Queue description file for at, batch, and cron RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: at(1), crontab(1), rc0(8), rc2(8), rc3(8) Files: queuedefs(4) delim off cron(8)
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