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Full Discussion: AIX Service Packs
Operating Systems AIX AIX Service Packs Post 302273397 by aixylinux on Sunday 4th of January 2009 12:51:35 PM
Old 01-04-2009
The roadmap is available on a public site

Originally Posted by dig1tal

The TL roadmap is typically not available on the public internet and can usually be found in IBM powerpoint presentations.

The roadmap is available on a public site. The roadmap is presented when you download fixpacks from Fix Central at IBM Support: Fix Central

Select your version and a fixtype of Fixpack and you get to see the roadmap on the same page where you select the download.

For example, AIX 6.1 roadmap is at: http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp...61_current.jpg

AIX 5.3 roadmap is at: http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp...53_current.jpg

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URI::URL(3pm)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					     URI::URL(3pm)

URI::URL - Uniform Resource Locators SYNOPSIS
$u1 = URI::URL->new($str, $base); $u2 = $u1->abs; DESCRIPTION
This module is provided for backwards compatibility with modules that depend on the interface provided by the "URI::URL" class that used to be distributed with the libwww-perl library. The following differences exist compared to the "URI" class interface: o The URI::URL module exports the url() function as an alternate constructor interface. o The constructor takes an optional $base argument. The "URI::URL" class is a subclass of "URI::WithBase". o The URI::URL->newlocal class method is the same as URI::file->new_abs. o URI::URL::strict(1) o $url->print_on method o $url->crack method o $url->full_path: same as ($uri->abs_path || "/") o $url->netloc: same as $uri->authority o $url->epath, $url->equery: same as $uri->path, $uri->query o $url->path and $url->query pass unescaped strings. o $url->path_components: same as $uri->path_segments (if you don't consider path segment parameters) o $url->params and $url->eparams methods o $url->base method. See URI::WithBase. o $url->abs and $url->rel have an optional $base argument. See URI::WithBase. o $url->frag: same as $uri->fragment o $url->keywords: same as $uri->query_keywords o $url->localpath and friends map to $uri->file. o $url->address and $url->encoded822addr: same as $uri->to for mailto URI o $url->groupart method for news URI o $url->article: same as $uri->message SEE ALSO
Copyright 1998-2000 Gisle Aas. perl v5.14.2 2012-02-11 URI::URL(3pm)
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