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Full Discussion: Japanese in Unix
Operating Systems AIX Japanese in Unix Post 302274704 by shockneck on Thursday 8th of January 2009 07:44:23 AM
Old 01-08-2009
Not sure about "typing" in Japanese ... you need the Japanese locale probably. Use
# locale -a
to see which languages are installed. If it is installed you can change the keyboard with
# smitty chkbd
If you don't see things like JA_JP, ja_JP and Ja_JP in the locale output the Japanese language environment is'nt installed yet.
# smitty mle_add_lang
to install the missing filesets (that need to be available of course). Add Cultural Convention and Language Translation. If Japanese is missing about 20 more filesets will be installed.

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ppdi [ -I include-directory ] [ -o source-file ] ppd-file [ ppd-file2 ... ppd-fileN ] DESCRIPTION
ppdi imports one or more PPD files into a PPD compiler source file. Multiple languages of the same PPD file are merged into a single printer definition to facilitate accurate changes for all localizations. The -o option specifies the PPD source file to update. If the source file does not exist, a new source file is created. Otherwise the existing file is merged with the new PPD file(s) on the command-line. If no source file is specified, the filename "ppdi.drv" is used. SEE ALSO
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