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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How can I push an X app to the front by PID? Post 302280013 by KenJackson on Sunday 25th of January 2009 03:19:16 PM
Old 01-25-2009
How can I push an X app to the front by PID?

I'm trying to write a script that will start an X application if it's not already running, but will find it and pop it to the front if it is already running (maybe it's lost on a busy desktop).

Is there such a mechanism?

Here is part of the logic:
VRDP="$(ps ax|grep "rdesktop .* $SERVER[:]$PORT")"
if [ -z "$VRDP" ]; then
    rdesktop $SERVER:$PORT &
    PID="$(echo $VRDP | sed 's/ *\([0-9]*\) .*/\1/')"
    # Pop $PID to the front here


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GNUNET-NAT-SERVER(1)					      General Commands Manual					      GNUNET-NAT-SERVER(1)

gnunet-nat-server - help GNUnet setup test network setup with NAT SYNOPSIS
gnunet-nat-server [options] PORT DESCRIPTION
Normal GNUnet end-users should not concern themselves with gnunet-nat-server. In fact, distributions are encouraged to consider not ship- ping it at all. Running gnunet-nat-server's is similar to running hostlist servers: it is a special service to the community with special requirements and no benefit to those running the service. This program will listen on the specified PORT for incoming requests to test a peer's network connectivity. Incoming requests can ask it to connect to a given IPv4 address (and port) using TCP or UDP and to send a 2-byte test message using the specified address. The program can also be asked to send a "fake" ICMP response message to a given IPv4 address (for autonomous NAT traversal --- see the description in the respective research paper). The idea is that gnunet-nat-server will be run on some trusted hosts with unrestricted connectivity to allow GNUnet users to test their network configuration. As written, the code allows any user on the Internet to cause the gnunet-nat-server to send 2-bytes of arbitrary data to any TCP or UDP port at any address. We believe that this is generally harmless. When running gnunet-nat-server, make sure to use a configuration that disables most NAT options but enables 'enable_nat_client' and sets 'internal_address' to the global IP address of your local host. Also, the gnunet-helper-nat-client should be installed locally and run with root privileges (SUID), otherwise the gnunet-nat-server will not work properly. Note that gnunet-nat-server could be run via gnunet-arm but typically is not. Also, the name of the host and port that gnunet-nat-server is run on should be specified in the NATSERVER option in the [setup] section of the configuration file of hosts that are supposed to auto- configure with this server. OPTIONS
-c FILENAME, --config=FILENAME Use the configuration file FILENAME. BUGS
Report bugs by using Mantis <https://gnunet.org/bugs/> or by sending electronic mail to <gnunet-developers@gnu.org> SEE ALSO
gnunet-transport(1) GNUnet 25 Feb 2012 GNUNET-NAT-SERVER(1)
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