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Full Discussion: convertion of a file
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting convertion of a file Post 302287648 by suryanarayana on Saturday 14th of February 2009 10:54:54 PM
Old 02-14-2009
Power convertion of a file

Originally Posted by danmero
Try this one.
awk '{gsub("-","",$4);gsub("[,|.]","",$5);printf "%s%013d%016d%010d%s\n",$2$3$4,$5,$6,$7,$8}' file


while using the above i am getting error

awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: illegal statement near line 1
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: illegal statement near line 1

I am not getting where i am wrong?
pls help..

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ENVEXT(1)						  The Canonical Csound Reference						 ENVEXT(1)

envext - Extracts the envelope of a file to a text file. . SYNTAX
envext [-flags] soundfile csound -U envext [-flags] soundfile INITIALIZATION
soundfile - Name of the input soundfile. The following flags are available for envext (The default values are stated in parenthesis): -o fnam Name of output filename (newenv) -w size (in seconds) of analysis window (0.25) The envext utility generates a text file containing time and amplitude pairs by finding the absolute peak within each window. EXAMPLE
Using the command (while in the manual directory): csound -U envext examples/mary.wav will produce the a text file containing the following: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.750 0.000 1.249 0.170 1.499 0.269 1.530 0.307 1.872 0.263 2.056 0.304 2.294 0.241 2.570 0.216 2.761 0.178 3.077 0.011 3.251 0.001 3.500 0.000 Which shows the time for the peak amplitude within each measured window. CREDITS
Author: John ffitch 1995 AUTHORS
Barry Vercoe MIT Media Lab Author. Dan Ellis MIT Media Lab, Cambridge Massachussetts Author. COPYRIGHT
5.07 06/23/2009 ENVEXT(1)
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