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Full Discussion: make command failure
Operating Systems Solaris make command failure Post 302293139 by Lespaul20 on Monday 2nd of March 2009 01:02:36 PM
Old 03-02-2009
There should be gmake installed already in /usr/sfw/bin.

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libusb(3LIB)							Interface Libraries						      libusb(3LIB)

libusb - user-space USB device management library SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] -I/usr/sfw/include file... -L/usr/sfw/lib -R/usr/sfw/lib -lusb [ library... ] #include <usb.h> DESCRIPTION
The libusb library contains interfaces for managing USB devices without a kernel driver. It is an open-source API supported on Linux, Mac- OS X, and NetBSD. See http://libusb.sourceforge.net. The current implementation is version 0.1.8 of the libusb API. Complete documentation for this library can be found at /usr/sfw/share/doc/libusb/libusb.txt. INTERFACES
The shared object libusb.so.1 provides the following public interfaces. See intro(3) for additional information on shared object inter- faces. usb_bulk_read usb_bulk_write usb_claim_interface usb_clear_halt usb_close usb_control_msg usb_find_busses usb_find_devices usb_get_busses usb_get_descriptor_by_endpoint usb_get_descriptor usb_get_string usb_get_string_simple usb_init usb_interrupt_read usb_interrupt_write usb_open usb_release_interface usb_reset usb_resetep usb_set_altinterface usb_set_configuration usb_set_debug usb_strerror FILES
/usr/sfw/lib/libusb.so.1 shared object /usr/sfw/lib/libusb_plugins implementation-specific libusb modules /usr/sfw/bin/libusb-config script to determine linking environment ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWlibusb, SUNWlibusbut, | | |SUNWlibugenusb | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |External | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
intro(3), attributes(5) http://libusb.sourceforge.net SunOS 5.10 14 Oct 2004 libusb(3LIB)
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