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Operating Systems Solaris BIOS Serial Number on Sun Fire V240 Post 302310221 by vineetd on Friday 24th of April 2009 05:35:07 AM
Old 04-24-2009
BIOS Serial Number on Sun Fire V240


I want to know if there is a command available for obtaining the BIOS Serial Number on a Sun Fire V240 machine? Or is it a known issue that it cannot be obtained through any command?



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sf880drd(1M)						  System Administration Commands					      sf880drd(1M)

sf880drd - Sun Fire 880 Dynamic Reconfiguration daemon SYNOPSIS
The Sun Fire 880 Dynamic Reconfiguration daemon, sf880drd, is part of the PCI and system bus hotplug framework. sf880drd starts at boot time. It has no configuration options and does not report any system status. sf880drd implements the Sun Fire 880 console-less system administration (per-slot pushbuttons and LED status indicators). It also manages various aspects of CPU/memory hotplug. FILES
/usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-880/lib/sf880drd ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWsfdr.u | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
svcs(1), cfgadm(1M), cfgadm_pci(1M), cfgadm_sbd(1M), svcadm(1M), attributes(5), smf(5) NOTES
The sf880drd service is managed by the service management facility, smf(5), under the service identifier: svc:/platform/sun4u/sf880drd Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or requesting restart, can be performed using svcadm(1M). The ser- vice's status can be queried using the svcs(1) command. SunOS 5.10 13 Aug 2004 sf880drd(1M)
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