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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Selecting Unique Values from many List Post 302311007 by pareshan on Monday 27th of April 2009 03:14:06 PM
Old 04-27-2009
Selecting Unique Values from many List

I have a question

I have like 19 different list which contains the name of the server but what I need is just unique ones.

First thing I need to do is just make a unique list within the list itself
i.e. delete anything that is repeated inside the list
like for example

in list1
i have

so i just need is a b c d e f g h i mean unique values which is easier anyone can do it i guess.
For the first list its ok

Like that i have 19 liist and i have to do that the same thing which is ok not that hard

the problem is now,

there should not be anything repeating in any one of those list
i.e. if something is there in the first list means that should not be in 2nd list and so on. so that means
for the first list its ok i dont need to do anything as it is after deleting the duplicates

second list I have to compare with the first list and delete if anything from the first list

third list i have to compare with first and second list and anything present in first or second list I have to delete from third list and so on upto 19 list

Plz can anyone suggest me how can i do that

let me know if anything confusing

just i want is not repeated in any one of those 19 list i hope thats pretty much clear

Thanks In advance
its serious problem im having

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Tk_GetUid(3)						       Tk Library Procedures						      Tk_GetUid(3)


Tk_GetUid, Tk_Uid - convert from string to unique identifier SYNOPSIS
#include <tk.h> Tk_Uid Tk_GetUid(string) ARGUMENTS
char *string (in) String for which the corresponding unique identifier is desired. _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
Tk_GetUid returns the unique identifier corresponding to string. Unique identifiers are similar to atoms in Lisp, and are used in Tk to speed up comparisons and searches. A unique identifier (type Tk_Uid) is a string pointer and may be used anywhere that a variable of type "char *" could be used. However, there is guaranteed to be exactly one unique identifier for any given string value. If Tk_GetUid is called twice, once with string a and once with string b, and if a and b have the same string value (strcmp(a, b) == 0), then Tk_GetUid will return exactly the same Tk_Uid value for each call (Tk_GetUid(a) == Tk_GetUid(b)). This means that variables of type Tk_Uid may be com- pared directly (x == y) without having to call strcmp. In addition, the return value from Tk_GetUid will have the same string value as its argument (strcmp(Tk_GetUid(a), a) == 0). KEYWORDS
atom, unique identifier Tk Tk_GetUid(3)
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