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Top Forums Programming Getting the total virtual memory for ubuntu in c++ Post 302312906 by xiaojesus on Monday 4th of May 2009 04:19:54 AM
Old 05-04-2009
getting the Total Virtual Memory size occupied by all processes in unix by c++

any one can help?

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VM_STAT(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						VM_STAT(1)

vm_stat -- show Mach virtual memory statistics SYNOPSIS
vm_stat [[-c count] interval] DESCRIPTION
vm_stat displays Mach virtual memory statistics. If the optional interval is specified, then vm_stat will display the statistics every interval seconds. In this case, each line of output displays the change in each statistic (an interval count of 1 displays the values per second). However, the first line of output following each banner displays the system-wide totals for each statistic. If a count is pro- vided, the command will terminate after count intervals. The following values are displayed: Pages free the total number of free pages in the system. Pages active the total number of pages currently in use and pageable. Pages inactive the total number of pages on the inactive list. Pages speculative the total number of pages on the speculative list. Pages throttled the total number of pages on the throttled list (not wired but not pageable). Pages wired down the total number of pages wired down. That is, pages that cannot be paged out. Pages purgeable the total number of purgeable pages. Translation faults the number of times the "vm_fault" routine has been called. Pages copy-on-write the number of faults that caused a page to be copied (generally caused by copy-on-write faults). Pages zero filled the total number of pages that have been zero-filled on demand. Pages reactivated the total number of pages that have been moved from the inactive list to the active list (reactivated). Pages purged the total number of pages that have been purged. File-backed pages the total number of pages that are file-backed (non-swap) Anonymous pages the total number of pages that are anonymous Uncompressed pages the total number of pages (uncompressed) held within the compressor Pages used by VM compressor: the number of pages used to store compressed VM pages. Pages decompressed the total number of pages that have been decompressed by the VM compressor. Pages compressed the total number of pages that have been compressed by the VM compressor. Pageins the total number of requests for pages from a pager (such as the inode pager). Pageouts the total number of pages that have been paged out. Swapins the total number of compressed pages that have been swapped out to disk. Swapouts the total number of compressed pages that have been swapped back in from disk. If interval is not specified, then vm_stat displays all accumulated statistics along with the page size. Mac OS X August 13, 1997 Mac OS X
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