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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting awk should output if one input file doesnt have matching key Post 302314047 by pinnacle on Thursday 7th of May 2009 09:29:33 AM
Old 05-07-2009
Originally Posted by devtakh
Try this:

awk -F "," 'FNR==NR && NR>1{a[$1]=$3;next}FNR>1{if ($2 in a)print $1,"Person",$2,a[$2]; else print $1,"Person",$2 OFS}' OFS="," filea fileb

Devaraj Takhellambam

Thank you sir

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Sub::Install(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					 Sub::Install(3pm)

Sub::Install - install subroutines into packages easily VERSION
version 0.926 SYNOPSIS
use Sub::Install; Sub::Install::install_sub({ code => sub { ... }, into => $package, as => $subname }); DESCRIPTION
This module makes it easy to install subroutines into packages without the unslightly mess of "no strict" or typeglobs lying about where just anyone can see them. FUNCTIONS
install_sub Sub::Install::install_sub({ code => &subroutine, into => "Finance::Shady", as => 'launder', }); This routine installs a given code reference into a package as a normal subroutine. The above is equivalent to: no strict 'refs'; *{"Finance::Shady" . '::' . "launder"} = &subroutine; If "into" is not given, the sub is installed into the calling package. If "code" is not a code reference, it is looked for as an existing sub in the package named in the "from" parameter. If "from" is not given, it will look in the calling package. If "as" is not given, and if "code" is a name, "as" will default to "code". If "as" is not given, but if "code" is a code ref, Sub::Install will try to find the name of the given code ref and use that as "as". That means that this code: Sub::Install::install_sub({ code => 'twitch', from => 'Person::InPain', into => 'Person::Teenager', as => 'dance', }); is the same as: package Person::Teenager; Sub::Install::install_sub({ code => Person::InPain->can('twitch'), as => 'dance', }); reinstall_sub This routine behaves exactly like "install_sub", but does not emit a warning if warnings are on and the destination is already defined. install_installers This routine is provided to allow Sub::Install compatibility with Sub::Installer. It installs "install_sub" and "reinstall_sub" methods into the package named by its argument. Sub::Install::install_installers('Code::Builder'); # just for us, please Code::Builder->install_sub({ name => $code_ref }); Sub::Install::install_installers('UNIVERSAL'); # feeling lucky, punk? Anything::At::All->install_sub({ name => $code_ref }); The installed installers are similar, but not identical, to those provided by Sub::Installer. They accept a single hash as an argument. The key/value pairs are used as the "as" and "code" parameters to the "install_sub" routine detailed above. The package name on which the method is called is used as the "into" parameter. Unlike Sub::Installer's "install_sub" will not eval strings into code, but will look for named code in the calling package. EXPORTS
Sub::Install exports "install_sub" and "reinstall_sub" only if they are requested. exporter Sub::Install has a never-exported subroutine called "exporter", which is used to implement its "import" routine. It takes a hashref of named arguments, only one of which is currently recognize: "exports". This must be an arrayref of subroutines to offer for export. This routine is mainly for Sub::Install's own consumption. Instead, consider Sub::Exporter. SEE ALSO
Sub::Installer This module is (obviously) a reaction to Damian Conway's Sub::Installer, which does the same thing, but does it by getting its greasy fingers all over UNIVERSAL. I was really happy about the idea of making the installation of coderefs less ugly, but I couldn't bring myself to replace the ugliness of typeglobs and loosened strictures with the ugliness of UNIVERSAL methods. Sub::Exporter This is a complete Exporter.pm replacement, built atop Sub::Install. AUTHOR
Ricardo Signes, "<rjbs@cpan.org>" Several of the tests are adapted from tests that shipped with Damian Conway's Sub-Installer distribution. BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2005-2006 Ricardo Signes, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-02-26 Sub::Install(3pm)
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