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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Shell script to display top 5 process (per cpu consumption) Post 302319752 by mr_awd on Tuesday 26th of May 2009 06:13:37 AM
Old 05-26-2009
Shell script to display top 5 process (per cpu consumption)


I have to create shell script being myself real novice in scripting...
I was looking on the Internet for some script examples, but I don't have the basic understanding of the shell. I was trying to do something with “ps” command without success.
For exemple total number of running process: ps ax | wc -l | tr -d ""
Executed from command line work nice, but once in the script like echo ‘ps ax | wc -l | tr -d ""' return 1 which is not the right number of running process.

The script should do the following:

  • Should check the running processes
  • Display top five process (per cpu consumption)
  • output the summary for:
    • total number of processes
    • number of process per user
    • most common process
ex.: process1
result : process1

Is it too difficult to implement in pure bash script?

Many thanks in advance for any help.

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merge_fonts(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual					      merge_fonts(3alleg4)

merge_fonts - Merges two fonts into one font. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> FONT *merge_fonts(FONT *f1, FONT *f2) DESCRIPTION
This function merges the character ranges from two fonts and returns a new font containing all characters in the old fonts. In general, you cannot merge fonts of different types (eg, TrueType fonts and bitmapped fonts), but as a special case, this function can promote a mono- chrome bitmapped font to a color font and merge those. Example: FONT *myfont; FONT *myfancy_font; FONT *lower_range; FONT *upper_range; FONT *capitals; FONT *combined_font; FONT *tempfont; ... /* Create a font that contains the capitals from */ /* the fancy font but other characters from myfont */ lower_range = extract_font_range(myfont, -1, 'A'-1); upper_range = extract_font_range(myfont, 'Z'+1, -1); capitals = extract_font_range(myfancy_font, 'A', 'Z'); tempfont = merge_fonts(lower_range, capitals); combined_font = merge_fonts(tempfont, upper_range); /* Clean up temporary fonts */ destroy_font(lower_range); destroy_font(upper_range); destroy_font(capitals); destroy_font(tempfont); RETURN VALUE
Returns a pointer to the new font or NULL on error. Remember that you are responsible for destroying the font when you are finished with it to avoid memory leaks. SEE ALSO
extract_font_range(3alleg4), is_trans_font(3alleg4), is_color_font(3alleg4), is_mono_font(3alleg4), exfont(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 merge_fonts(3alleg4)
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