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Full Discussion: Login in Unix
Top Forums Web Development Login in Unix Post 302327458 by figaro on Sunday 21st of June 2009 04:49:58 PM
Old 06-21-2009
Is your question UNIX specific? It sounds like you are developing a web application, but looking for a way to verify the password of a user that logs in. This verification is done by the programming language the application is developed in and will therefore not be HTML, which is for display purposes. You may need to supply more detail on the issue.

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HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Form::Simple(3pm)		User Contributed Perl Documentation	      HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Form::Simple(3pm)

HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Form::Simple - widget to render a form with divs VERSION
version 0.40013 SYNOPSIS
Role to apply to form objects to allow rendering. This rendering role is applied to HTML::FormHandler by default. It supports block rendering. (HTML::FormHandler::Blocks, HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Block) Relevant flags: do_form_wrapper - put a wrapper around the form If the wrapper_tag is a 'fieldset' (default if not specified) the wrapper goes inside the form tags (because it's not valid to put it outside of them). If the wrapper_tag is something else, it will go around the form tags. If you're doing one kind of wrapper and want another one, you can achieve that result by using the 'before'/'after' tags or the 'after_start'/'before_end' tags. Supported tags: wrapper_tag -- tag for form wrapper; default 'fieldset' before after after_start before_end messages_wrapper_class -- default 'form_messages' error_class -- default 'error_message' error_message -- message to issue when form contains errors success_class -- default 'success_message' success_message -- message to issue when form was submitted successfully AUTHOR
FormHandler Contributors - see HTML::FormHandler COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Gerda Shank. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-06-25 HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Form::Simple(3pm)
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