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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Applying lock on a file in Unix Ksh Post 302328355 by ahmad.diab on Wednesday 24th of June 2009 06:07:51 AM
Old 06-24-2009
This utility is part of the procmail package (www.procmail.org). It creates a lock file, a semaphorefile that controls access to a file, device, or resource. The lock file serves as a flag that this
particular file, device, or resource is in use by a process (it is "busy"), and this permits only restricted
access (or no access) to other processes.
lockfile /home/bozo/lockfiles/$0.lock
# Creates a write-protected lockfile prefixed with the name of the script.
Lock files are used in such applications as protecting system mail folders from simultaneously being
changed by multiple users, indicating that a modem port is being accessed, and showing that an
instance of Netscape is using its cache. Scripts may check for the existence of a lock file created by a
certain process to check if that process is running. Note that if a script attempts to create a lock file
that already exists, the script will likely hang.
Normally, applications create and check for lock files in the /var/lock directory.
A script can test for the presence of a lock file by something like the following.
# Application "xyzip" created lock file "/var/lock/xyzip.lock".
if [ -e "/var/lock/$appname.lock" ]
then #+ Prevent other programs & scripts
# from accessing files/resources used by xyzip.


Much less useful than the lockfile command is flock. It sets an "advisory" lock on a file and then
executes a command while the lock is on. This is to prevent any other process from setting a lock on
that file until completion of the specified command.
flock $0 cat $0 > lockfile__$0
# Set a lock on the script the above line appears in,
#+ while listing the script to stdout.
Unlike lockfile, flock does not automatically create a lock file.


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FLOCK(1)							   User Commands							  FLOCK(1)

flock - manage locks from shell scripts SYNOPSIS
flock [options] file|directory command [arguments] flock [options] file|directory -c command flock [options] number DESCRIPTION
This utility manages flock(2) locks from within shell scripts or from the command line. The first and second of the above forms wrap the lock around the execution of a command, in a manner similar to su(1) or newgrp(1). They lock a specified file or directory, which is created (assuming appropriate permissions) if it does not already exist. By default, if the lock cannot be immediately acquired, flock waits until the lock is available. The third form uses an open file by its file descriptor number. See the examples below for how that can be used. OPTIONS
-c, --command command Pass a single command, without arguments, to the shell with -c. -E, --conflict-exit-code number The exit code used when the -n option is in use, and the conflicting lock exists, or the -w option is in use, and the timeout is reached. The default value is 1. -F, --no-fork Do not fork before executing command. Upon execution the flock process is replaced by command which continues to hold the lock. This option is incompatible with --close as there would otherwise be nothing left to hold the lock. -e, -x, --exclusive Obtain an exclusive lock, sometimes called a write lock. This is the default. -n, --nb, --nonblock Fail rather than wait if the lock cannot be immediately acquired. See the -E option for the exit code used. -o, --close Close the file descriptor on which the lock is held before executing command. This is useful if command spawns a child process which should not be holding the lock. -s, --shared Obtain a shared lock, sometimes called a read lock. -u, --unlock Drop a lock. This is usually not required, since a lock is automatically dropped when the file is closed. However, it may be required in special cases, for example if the enclosed command group may have forked a background process which should not be hold- ing the lock. -w, --wait, --timeout seconds Fail if the lock cannot be acquired within seconds. Decimal fractional values are allowed. See the -E option for the exit code used. The zero number of seconds is interpreted as --nonblock. --verbose Report how long it took to acquire the lock, or why the lock could not be obtained. -V, --version Display version information and exit. -h, --help Display help text and exit. EXAMPLES
shell1> flock /tmp -c cat shell2> flock -w .007 /tmp -c echo; /bin/echo $? Set exclusive lock to directory /tmp and the second command will fail. shell1> flock -s /tmp -c cat shell2> flock -s -w .007 /tmp -c echo; /bin/echo $? Set shared lock to directory /tmp and the second command will not fail. Notice that attempting to get exclusive lock with second command would fail. shell> flock -x local-lock-file echo 'a b c' Grab the exclusive lock "local-lock-file" before running echo with 'a b c'. ( flock -n 9 || exit 1 # ... commands executed under lock ... ) 9>/var/lock/mylockfile The form is convenient inside shell scripts. The mode used to open the file doesn't matter to flock; using > or >> allows the lock- file to be created if it does not already exist, however, write permission is required. Using < requires that the file already exists but only read permission is required. [ "${FLOCKER}" != "$0" ] && exec env FLOCKER="$0" flock -en "$0" "$0" "$@" || : This is useful boilerplate code for shell scripts. Put it at the top of the shell script you want to lock and it'll automatically lock itself on the first run. If the env var $FLOCKER is not set to the shell script that is being run, then execute flock and grab an exclusive non-blocking lock (using the script itself as the lock file) before re-execing itself with the right arguments. It also sets the FLOCKER env var to the right value so it doesn't run again. EXIT STATUS
The command uses sysexits.h return values for everything, except when using either of the options -n or -w which report a failure to acquire the lock with a return value given by the -E option, or 1 by default. When using the command variant, and executing the child worked, then the exit status is that of the child command. AUTHOR
H. Peter Anvin <hpa@zytor.com> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2003-2006 H. Peter Anvin. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO
The flock command is part of the util-linux package and is available from Linux Kernel Archive <https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils /util-linux/>. util-linux July 2014 FLOCK(1)
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