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Special Forums UNIX and Linux Applications integrating svn (subversion) with vi editor Post 302332497 by madhusudankh on Thursday 9th of July 2009 09:17:59 AM
Old 07-09-2009
Question integrating svn (subversion) with vi editor


I have installed subversion in my debian system.and is working properly with authentication.

my repository has only one workspace. and many authenticated users edit files in this.

my question is simple.

can we integrate svn with vi ,so that if anyone edits the file and make any changes to that & as soon as he exits vi , that file has to get comited automatically (with svn authentication). and if authentication fails. the file should not change..

is there any way we can do this..?

any suggestion would help..


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svn(1)							      General Commands Manual							    svn(1)

svn - Subversion command line client tool SYNOPSIS
svn command [options] [args] OVERVIEW
Subversion is a version control system, which allows you to keep old versions of files and directories (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes occurred, etc., like CVS, RCS or SCCS. Subversion keeps a single copy of the master sources. This copy is called the source ``repository''; it contains all the information to permit extracting previous versions of those files at any time. For more information about the Subversion project, visit http://subversion.tigris.org. Documentation for Subversion and its tools, including detailed usage explanations of the svn, svnadmin, svnserve and svnlook programs, his- torical background, philosophical approaches and reasonings, etc., can be found at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/. Run `svn help' to access the built-in tool documentation.." Begin Sun update ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+-----------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+-----------------+ |Availability | SUNWsvn | +--------------------+-----------------+ |Interface Stability | Committed | +--------------------+-----------------+ NOTES
Source for Subversion is available on http://opensolaris.org. svn(1)
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