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Full Discussion: Is nice command a myth?
Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users Is nice command a myth? Post 302333792 by psimoes79 on Tuesday 14th of July 2009 05:14:34 AM
Old 07-14-2009
Is nice command a myth?


Some guy said to me that using the nice command to decrease the priority of a process is a myth, that the operating system corrects the priorities as the processes need cpu. Is this true?

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renice(1M)																renice(1M)

renice - alter priority of running processes SYNOPSIS
newoffset] id ... DESCRIPTION
The command alters the system nice value (used in the system scheduling priority) of one or more running processes specified by id .... The new system nice value is set to 20 + newoffset, and is limited to the range 0 to 39. However if the environment variable is set, the new system nice value is set to current nice value + newoffset. Processes with lower system nice values run at higher system priorities than processes with higher system nice values. The option of the command shows the current priority and nice value for processes. See also nice(1). To reduce the system nice value of a process, or to set it to a value less than 20 (with a negative newoffset), a user must have appropri- ate privileges. Otherwise, users cannot decrease the system nice value of a process and can only increase it within the range 20 to 39, to prevent overriding any current administrative restrictions. To alter the system nice value of another user's process, a user must have appropriate privileges. Otherwise, users can only affect pro- cesses that they own. Options recognizes the following options. If no or option is specified, the default is Interpret each id as a process group ID. All processes in each process group have their system nice value altered. Only users with appropriate privileges can use this option. Change the system nice value of each affected process to 20 + newoffset. If the environment variable is set, the system nice value of each affected process is changed to current nice value + newoffset. If newoffset is negative, the system nice value is set to 20 minus the absolute value of newoffset. If the environ- ment variable is set and the newoffset is negative, the system nice value is set to current nice value minus the absolute value of newoffset. Only users with appropriate privileges can reduce the system nice value or set it to less than 20. If this option is omitted, newoffset defaults to 10. Interpret each id as a process ID. This is the default. Note: id is a process ID as reported by the command, not a job number (e.g., as used by some shells. Interpret each id as a user name or user ID number. All processes owned by each specified user have their system nice values altered. Only users with appropriate privileges can use this option for user names and IDs other than their own. RETURN VALUES
returns a 0 when successful, and a non-zero value when unsuccessful. EXTERNAL INFLUENCES
Single-byte character code sets are supported. DIAGNOSTICS
reports the old and new newoffset values (system nice value - 20) of the affected processes if the operation requested completes success- fully. Otherwise, an error message is displayed to indicate the reason for failure. However, if the environment variable is set, no reporting is done unless the command fails. EXAMPLES
Use default values to decrease the priority of process The id type defaults to and newoffset defaults to setting the process to a system nice value of 30. Change the system nice value for all processes owned by user and user to 33 (newoffset=13). (Affecting other users processes requires appropriate privileges.) Change the system nice value of all processes in process group 20 to (Lowering the system nice value of a process group requires appropri- ate privileges.) WARNINGS
Users who do not have appropriate privileges cannot reduce the system nice values of their own processes, even if they increased them in the first place. FILES
Maps user names to user ID's SEE ALSO
nice(1), ps(1), getpriority(2), nice(2). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
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