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Operating Systems AIX How to monitor the IBM AIX server for I/O usage,memory usage,CPU usage,network..? Post 302334596 by garethr on Thursday 16th of July 2009 04:38:40 AM
Old 07-16-2009
Try the command "nmon". If unavailable, download it.

Another tool (not as complete as nmon) is "topas".

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xrestop(1)						      General Commands Manual							xrestop(1)

xrestop - monitor server resources used by X11 clients SYNOPSIS
xrestop -help xrestop [ -display display ] [ --batch ] [ --delay-time seconds ] DESCRIPTION
Xrestop uses the X-Resource extension to provide 'top'-like statistics of each connected X11 client's server-side resource usage. It is intended as a developer tool to aid more efficient server resource usage and debug server-side resource leakage. OPTIONS
--help Show usage. --display, -d <display> Specify X11 display to monitor. --delay-time, -dt <seconds> Time in seconds between taking samples. Default is 2 seconds. --batch, -b Run in batch mode. Slightly more detailed infomation is streamed to stdout rather than the usual curses interface. This mode is intended for debugging a single client with something like xrestop -b | grep -A 15 appname --max-samples, -m <count> Specify number of times to gather and display results. Default is continuous, which can be set with 0 (zero). SEE ALSO
X(7), top(1). BUGS
The X-Resource extension is very new and may not be 100% accurate. AUTHOR
xrestop was written by Matthew Allum <mallum@handhelds.org>. xrestop(1)
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