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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Question about sort specific column and print other column at the same time ! Post 302359658 by patrick87 on Wednesday 7th of October 2009 06:22:53 AM
Old 10-07-2009
Question about sort specific column and print other column at the same time !


This is my input file:
ali 5 usa abc
abu 4 uk bca
alan 6 brazil bac
pinky 10 utah sdc

My desired output:
pinky 10 utah sdc
alan 6 brazil bac
ali 5 usa abc
abu 4 uk bca

Based on the column two, I want to do the descending order and print out other related column at the same time.
Does anybody know how to do it?
I'm not sure whether awk can do this or not?
Thanks for all of your suggestionSmilie

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PR(1)							      General Commands Manual							     PR(1)

pr - print file SYNOPSIS
pr [ option ... ] [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION
Pr produces a printed listing of one or more files on its standard output. The output is separated into pages headed by a date, the name of the file or a specified header, and the page number. With no file arguments, pr prints its standard input. Options apply to all following files but may be reset between files: -n Produce n-column output. +n Begin printing with page n. -b Balance columns on last page, in case of multi-column output. -d Double space. -en Set the tab stops for input text every n spaces. -h Take the next argument as a page header (file by default). -in Replace sequences of blanks in the output by tabs, using tab stops set every n spaces. -f Use formfeeds to separate pages. -ln Take the length of the page to be n lines instead of the default 66. -m Print all files simultaneously, each in one column. -n Number the lines of each file. -on Offset the left margin n character positions. -sc Separate columns by the single character c instead of aligning them with white space. A missing c is taken to be a tab. -t Do not print the 5-line header or the 5-line trailer normally supplied for each page. -wn For multi-column output, take the width of the page to be n characters instead of the default 72. SOURCE
/sys/src/cmd/pr.c SEE ALSO
cat(1), lp(1) PR(1)
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