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Top Forums Programming Error: too many arguments to function 'sigwait' Post 302370763 by Corona688 on Thursday 12th of November 2009 10:51:10 AM
Old 11-12-2009
From here:

     Upon  successful  completion,  sigwait()  returns  a  signal
     number.   Otherwise, it returns a value of -1 and sets errno
     to indicate an error.  Upon successful completion, the POSIX
     version  of  sigwait()  returns zero and stores the received
     signal number at the location pointed to by sig.  Otherwise,
     it returns the error number.

So the version without the pointer actually returns signo( or -1 on error ).

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SIGWAIT(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual							SIGWAIT(2)

sigwait -- select a set of signals SYNOPSIS
#include <signal.h> int sigwait(const sigset_t *restrict set, int *restrict sig); DESCRIPTION
The sigwait() function selects a set of signals, specified by set. If none of the selected signals are pending, sigwait() waits until one or more of the selected signals has been generated. Then sigwait() atomically clears one of the selected signals from the set of pending sig- nals for the process and sets the location pointed to by sig to the signal number that was cleared. The signals specified by set should be blocked, but not ignored, at the time of the call to sigwait(). Processes which call sigwait() on ignored signals will wait indefinitely. Ignored signals are dropped immediately by the system, before delivery to a waiting process. RETURN VALUES
If successful, sigwait() returns 0 and sets the location pointed to by sig to the cleared signal number. Otherwise, an error number is returned. ERRORS
sigwait() will fail if: [EINVAL] set specifies one or more invalid signal numbers. SEE ALSO
pthread_sigmask(2), sigaction(2), sigpending(2), sigsuspend(2), pause(3) STANDARDS
sigwait() conforms to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (``POSIX.1'') BSD
April 27, 2000 BSD
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