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Full Discussion: Issue Filtering Tail
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Issue Filtering Tail Post 302371101 by umairrahman on Friday 13th of November 2009 10:59:14 AM
Old 11-13-2009
Thanks for that.

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strategy(9E)							Driver Entry Points						      strategy(9E)

strategy - perform block I/O SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/buf.h> #include <sys/ddi.h> #include <sys/sunddi.h> int prefixstrategy(struct buf *bp); INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI). This entry point is required for block devices. PARAMETERS
bp Pointer to the buf(9S) structure. DESCRIPTION
The strategy() routine is called indirectly (through cb_ops(9S)) by the kernel to read and write blocks of data on the block device. strat- egy() may also be called directly or indirectly to support the raw character interface of a block device (read(9E), write(9E) and ioctl(9E)). The strategy() routine's responsibility is to set up and initiate the transfer. In general, strategy() should not block. It can, however, perform a kmem_cache_alloc(9F) with both the KM_PUSHPAGE and KM_SLEEP flags set, which might block, without causing deadlock in low memory situations. RETURN VALUES
The strategy() function must return 0. On an error condition, it should call bioerror(9f) to set b_flags to the proper error code, and call biodone(9f). Note that a partial transfer is not considered to be an error. SEE ALSO
ioctl(9E), read(9E), write(9E), biodone(9F), bioerror(9F), buf(9S), cb_ops(9S), kmem_cache_alloc(9F) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.10 6 Nov 2003 strategy(9E)
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