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Operating Systems Linux Live Knoppix on usb sdb2 kernel not found Post 302373875 by guast on Sunday 22nd of November 2009 05:24:42 PM
Old 11-22-2009
Originally Posted by wempy
/dev/sdb2 will be (hd0,1) not (hd0,2) - grub partitions start at zero, so change your menu.lst (or edit the line at boot time - press b at the grub menu screen) to be:
root (hd0,1)

Thanks for the advice. Fixed, but the issue persists

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SD(4)							     Linux Programmer's Manual							     SD(4)

sd - driver for SCSI disk drives SYNOPSIS
#include <linux/hdreg.h> /* for HDIO_GETGEO */ #include <linux/fs.h> /* for BLKGETSIZE and BLKRRPART */ CONFIGURATION
The block device name has the following form: sdlp, where l is a letter denoting the physical drive, and p is a number denoting the parti- tion on that physical drive. Often, the partition number, p, will be left off when the device corresponds to the whole drive. SCSI disks have a major device number of 8, and a minor device number of the form (16 * drive_number) + partition_number, where drive_num- ber is the number of the physical drive in order of detection, and partition_number is as follows: +3 partition 0 is the whole drive partitions 1-4 are the DOS "primary" partitions partitions 5-8 are the DOS "extended" (or "logical") partitions For example, /dev/sda will have major 8, minor 0, and will refer to all of the first SCSI drive in the system; and /dev/sdb3 will have major 8, minor 19, and will refer to the third DOS "primary" partition on the second SCSI drive in the system. At this time, only block devices are provided. Raw devices have not yet been implemented. DESCRIPTION
The following ioctls are provided: HDIO_GETGEO Returns the BIOS disk parameters in the following structure: struct hd_geometry { unsigned char heads; unsigned char sectors; unsigned short cylinders; unsigned long start; }; A pointer to this structure is passed as the ioctl(2) parameter. The information returned in the parameter is the disk geometry of the drive as understood by DOS! This geometry is not the physical geometry of the drive. It is used when constructing the drive's partition table, however, and is needed for convenient operation of fdisk(1), efdisk(1), and lilo(1). If the geometry information is not available, zero will be returned for all of the parameters. BLKGETSIZE Returns the device size in sectors. The ioctl(2) parameter should be a pointer to a long. BLKRRPART Forces a reread of the SCSI disk partition tables. No parameter is needed. The SCSI ioctl(2) operations are also supported. If the ioctl(2) parameter is required, and it is NULL, then ioctl(2) fails with the error EINVAL. FILES
/dev/sd[a-h] the whole device /dev/sd[a-h][0-8] individual block partitions COLOPHON
This page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/. Linux 2017-09-15 SD(4)
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