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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Send Foreground job to background redirecting output Post 302403071 by jhullbuzz on Thursday 11th of March 2010 10:11:36 AM
Old 03-11-2010
@corona688 ok so it creates the output at the initial process call. what if i were to start it in the background with a logfile...is there a way to bring it into the FG?

@dennis.jacob - yea it can be sent into the background by just doing bg, but then I can't log the output in a logfile

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BOOTLOGD(8)						Linux System Administrator's Manual					       BOOTLOGD(8)

bootlogd - record boot messages SYNOPSIS
/sbin/bootlogd [-c] [-d] [-r] [-s] [-v] [ -l logfile ] [ -p pidfile ] DESCRIPTION
Bootlogd runs in the background and copies all strings sent to the /dev/console device to a logfile. If the logfile is not accessible, the messages will be kept in memory until it is. OPTIONS
-d Do not fork and run in the background. -c Attempt to write to the logfile even if it does not yet exist. Without this option, bootlogd will wait for the logfile to appear before attempting to write to it. This behavior prevents bootlogd from creating logfiles under mount points. -r If there is an existing logfile called logfile rename it to logfile~ unless logfile~ already exists. -s Ensure that the data is written to the file after each line by calling fdatasync(3). This will slow down a fsck(8) process running in parallel. -v Show version. -l logfile Log to this logfile. The default is /var/log/boot. -p pidfile Put process-id in this file. The default is no pidfile. BUGS
Bootlogd works by redirecting the console output from the console device. (Consequently bootlogd requires PTY support in the kernel con- figuration.) It copies that output to the real console device and to a log file. There is no standard way of ascertaining the real con- sole device if you have a new-style /dev/console device (major 5, minor 1) so bootlogd parses the kernel command line looking for con- sole=... lines and deduces the real console device from that. If that syntax is ever changed by the kernel, or a console type is used that bootlogd does not know about then bootlogd will not work. AUTHOR
Miquel van Smoorenburg, miquels@cistron.nl SEE ALSO
dmesg(8),fdatasync(3). Jul 21, 2003 BOOTLOGD(8)
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