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Full Discussion: Help with extract using awk
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help with extract using awk Post 302422785 by vgersh99 on Wednesday 19th of May 2010 11:26:12 AM
Old 05-19-2010
Originally Posted by joeyg
instead of
ls -a *.edf | cut -d" " -f5,9-

ls -a *.edf | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f5,9-

This will produce wrong results if the file name contains multiple sequential spaces.

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AMARCHIVER(8)						  System Administration Commands					     AMARCHIVER(8)

amarchiver - Create, extract or list amanda archive SYNOPSIS
amarchiver --version|--create|--extract|--list [--verbose] [--file file] [filename]... DESCRIPTION
Amarchiver manipulates amanda archive file. On creation, amarchiver doesn't recurse into directories. If a filename specifies a directory, it will be ignored. If it specifies a character device, amarchiver reads the device and archives the data. If a filename specifies a named pipe, amarchiver reads the named pipe and archives the data. Note that this tool is more limited than the Amanda archive library, and may not be appropriate for some archive files -- particularly those which use non-strings in their filenames. OPTIONS
--version print the amarchiver version --create Create an amanda archive. Only the supplied filenames are included. With one --verbose, lists the filenames. With two, lists the filenames and sizes. --list List the filenames in an amanda archive. No additional filenames are allowed on the command line. --extract Extract an amanda archive. If filenames are supplied, only those files are extracted. Files are created in the current directory, suffixed with a dot ('.') and the attribute ID. --verbose Give more information. --file file Create, list or extract from the given file instead of stdin/stdout. SEE ALSO
amanda(8), amanda-archive-format(5) The Amanda Wiki: : http://wiki.zmanda.com/ AUTHORS
Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin@zmanda.com> Zmanda, Inc. (http://www.zmanda.com) Jean-Louis Martineau <martineau@zmanda.com> Zmanda, Inc. (http://www.zmanda.com) Amanda 3.3.1 02/21/2012 AMARCHIVER(8)
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